Reputation: 2604
i am trying to run my cucumber feature files from a pipeline i created on devops. on my local machine, running the feature files works from the command line as expected using the following command:
./gradlew clean build test -PincludeTags="LoginFeature" --info
in my pipeline i am using this task
- task: Gradle@3
gradleWrapperFile: 'gradlew'
tasks: 'clean build test -PincludeTags="LoginFeature" --info'
displayName: 'Testing'
and receiving this error:
CucumberTestRunner > initializationError FAILED
org.junit.platform.suite.engine.NoTestsDiscoveredException: Suite [] did not discover any tests
at [email protected]/$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept(
at [email protected]/$3$1.accept(
at [email protected]/java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(
if i execute the following instead:
- script: |
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew clean build test -PincludeTags="LoginFeature" --info
It works normally like on my local machine...
I am not sure why on DevOps pipeline the runner is not seeing the feature files... any help would be appreciated
my feature files are located in src/test/resources/com/app/x/features
this is my runner:
@SelectPackages(*arrayOf("", ""))
@ConfigurationParameter(key = io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants.GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = ",")
@ConfigurationParameter(key = io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants.PLUGIN_PROPERTY_NAME,value = "pretty,summary,, html:target/cucumber-report/cucumber.html")
class CucumberTestRunner
and this is the gradle
import com.gradle.cucumber.companion.generateCucumberSuiteCompanion
import java.util.*
plugins {
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version ("1.9.20")
tasks {
test {
useJUnitPlatform {
// OPTIONAL: Include only specified tags using JUnit5 tag expressions
if (project.hasProperty("includeTags")) {
println("project included includeTags: ${"includeTags")}")
includeTags("includeTags") as String?)
} else {
val properties = Properties()
val configFile = System.getenv("configurationFile") ?: ""
println("using configuration file: $configFile")
file("src/test/resources/$configFile").inputStream().use { properties.load(it) }
val tags = properties.getProperty("tags")
println("project didnt include includeTags: $tags")
includeTags(tags.replace("@", ""))
// OPTIONAL: Ignore test failures so that build pipelines won't get blocked by failing examples/scenarios
ignoreFailures = true
// OPTIONAL: Copy all system properties from the command line (-D...) to the test environment
// OPTIONAL: Enable parallel test execution
systemProperty("cucumber.execution.parallel.enabled", true)
// OPTIONAL: Set parallel execution strategy (defaults to dynamic)
systemProperty("cucumber.execution.parallel.config.strategy", "fixed")
// OPTIONAL: Set the fixed number of parallel test executions. Only works for the "fixed" strategy defined above
systemProperty("cucumber.execution.parallel.config.fixed.parallelism", 4)
// OPTIONAL: Enable Cucumber plugins, enable/disable as desired
systemProperty("cucumber.plugin", "message:build/reports/cucumber.ndjson, timeline:build/reports/timeline, html:build/reports/cucumber.html")
// OPTIONAL: Improve readability of test names in reports
systemProperty("cucumber.junit-platform.naming-strategy", "long")
// OPTIONAL: Force test execution even if they are up-to-date according to Gradle or use "gradle test --rerun"
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
val reportsDir = file("$buildDir/test-results")
systemProperty("reports-dir", reportsDir)
configurations {
all {
// OPTIONAL: Exclude JUnit 4
exclude(group = "junit", module = "junit")
// OPTIONAL: Exclude JUnit 5 vintage engine
exclude(group = "org.junit.vintage", module = "junit-vintage-engine")
// OPTIONAL: Exclude JUnit 5 jupiter engine
exclude(group = "org.junit.jupiter", module = "junit-jupiter-engine")
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val main by getting {
val test by getting {
kotlin.srcDir("src/test/kotlin") // Ensure this is set correctly
I tried adding
id("com.gradle.cucumber.companion") version "1.3.0"
but its not clear what it does and anyway it had no effect.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 47
Reputation: 8468
As per the Gradle@3 task code below, on linux/macos
agent, it will set gradlew file as executable by forcing a chmod. On Windows
, it will append .bat extension to gradlew script.
People commit only from Windows won't ever notice that their gradlew (sh) file is not executable. Windows doesn't support execution attribute, and Gradle for Windows relies on gradlew.bat.
Hence, you can try below options:
Change the devops agent to linux type(eg: ubuntu agent) and run again.
Or run git update-index --chmod=+x <file>
and commit to fix the file attribute.
Please check the link and link for more details.
Upvotes: 0