Ana Varathan
Ana Varathan

Reputation: 35

Pass string to visio shape data table using python

i am trying to pass string value to visio shape data table, but i can able to pass number value to visio shape table & when pass string value python is throwing error.

Please help me what missing take i have done.

Thanks in advance for the kind support.

import win32com.client

appVisio = win32com.client.Dispatch("Visio.Application")
appVisio.Visible =1

doc = appVisio.Documents.Add(r'C:\Users\anas\Visio\Input\Template.vsdx')
pagObj = doc.Pages.Item(1)
stnObj = appVisio.Documents("Oneweb.vssx")
mastObj = stnObj.Masters("NDC")

shpObj1 = pagObj.Drop(mastObj, 4.25, 5.5)
shpObj1.Text = "This is some text."
# set the cell
shpObj1.CellsU("Prop.SiteName").FormulaU = "=2.5" // successfully running

shpObj2 = pagObj.Drop(mastObj, 2, 2)
shpObj2.Text = "This is some more text."
shpObj2.CellsU("Prop.SiteName").FormulaU = "Test" // getting error in this line

connectorMaster = appVisio.Application.ConnectorToolDataObject

connector = pagObj.Drop(connectorMaster, 0, 0)


appVisio.Visible =0


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Views: 37

Answers (1)

Ana Varathan
Ana Varathan

Reputation: 35

It works after adding double quotes before and after the string value, like this:

shpObj2.CellsU("Prop.SiteName").FormulaU = chr(34) + "Test" + chr(34)

Note that chr(34) returns ".

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