Reputation: 1
I am creating a game using unity 2021.3.31f1. The game is parkour based and I want to include a wall running/wall jumping feature but I can't get the code to start the wall movement
I have tried using ChatGPT and deepseek but they keep giving me debugging statements and not actually helping me. I have changed the physics a while ago but that didn't work at all.
The debugging game me info about the layers the player is touching, telling me that the player was touching the wall and it was registered but didn't start the wall run at all. All collisions are working but the wall run isn't actually starting.
// PlayerMovement
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class playerMovement : MonoBehaviour
public Transform playerCam;
public Transform orientation;
private Collider playerCollider;
public Rigidbody rb;
public LayerMask whatIsGround;
public LayerMask whatIsWallrunnable;
//Movement Settings
public float sensitivity = 50f;
public float moveSpeed = 4500f;
public float walkSpeed = 20f;
public float runSpeed = 10f;
public bool grounded;
public bool onWall;
//Private Floats
private float wallRunGravity = 1f;
private float maxSlopeAngle = 35f;
private float wallRunRotation;
private float slideSlowdown = 0.2f;
private float actualWallRotation;
private float wallRotationVel;
private float desiredX;
private float xRotation;
private float sensMultiplier = 1f;
private float jumpCooldown = 0.25f;
private float jumpForce = 550f;
private float x;
private float y;
private float vel;
//Private bools
private bool readyToJump;
private bool jumping;
private bool sprinting;
private bool crouching;
private bool wallRunning;
private bool cancelling;
private bool readyToWallrun = true;
private bool airborne;
private bool onGround;
private bool surfing;
private bool cancellingGrounded;
private bool cancellingWall;
private bool cancellingSurf;
//Private Vector3's
private Vector3 normalVector;
private Vector3 wallNormalVector;
private Vector3 wallRunPos;
private Vector3 previousLookdir;
//vars for swinging
private LineRenderer lr;
private Vector3 grapplePoint;
public LayerMask whatIsGrappleable;
public Transform gunTip, player;
public new Transform camera;
private float maxDistance = 100f;
private SpringJoint joint;
private Vector3 currentGrapplePosition;
//Private int
private int nw;
public static playerMovement Instance { get; private set; }
private void Awake()
Instance = this;
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
lr = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
private void Start()
playerCollider = GetComponent<Collider>();
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
Cursor.visible = false;
readyToJump = true;
wallNormalVector = Vector3.up;
private void LateUpdate()
//For wallrunning
private void FixedUpdate()
//For moving
private void Update()
//Looking around
//Player input
private void MyInput()
x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
jumping = Input.GetButton("Jump");
crouching = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift))
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftShift))
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
//Scale player down
private void StartCrouch()
float num = 400f;
base.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 0.5f, 1f);
base.transform.position = new Vector3(base.transform.position.x, base.transform.position.y - 0.5f, base.transform.position.z);
if (rb.velocity.magnitude > 0.1f && grounded)
rb.AddForce(orientation.transform.forward * num);
//Scale player to original size
private void StopCrouch()
base.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1.5f, 1f);
base.transform.position = new Vector3(base.transform.position.x, base.transform.position.y + 0.5f, base.transform.position.z);
//Moving around with WASD
private void Movement()
rb.AddForce(Vector3.down * Time.deltaTime * 10f);
Vector2 mag = FindVelRelativeToLook();
float num = mag.x;
float num2 = mag.y;
CounterMovement(x, y, mag);
if (readyToJump && jumping)
float num3 = walkSpeed;
if (sprinting)
num3 = runSpeed;
if (crouching && grounded && readyToJump)
rb.AddForce(Vector3.down * Time.deltaTime * 3000f);
if (x > 0f && num > num3)
x = 0f;
if (x < 0f && num < 0f - num3)
x = 0f;
if (y > 0f && num2 > num3)
y = 0f;
if (y < 0f && num2 < 0f - num3)
y = 0f;
float num4 = 1f;
float num5 = 1f;
if (!grounded)
num4 = 0.5f;
num5 = 0.5f;
if (grounded && crouching)
num5 = 0f;
if (wallRunning)
num5 = 0.3f;
num4 = 0.3f;
if (surfing)
num4 = 0.7f;
num5 = 0.3f;
rb.AddForce(orientation.transform.forward * y * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime * num4 * num5);
rb.AddForce(orientation.transform.right * x * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime * num4);
//Ready to jump again
private void ResetJump()
readyToJump = true;
//Player go fly
private void Jump()
if ((grounded || wallRunning || surfing) && readyToJump)
Vector3 velocity = rb.velocity;
readyToJump = false;
rb.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce * 1.5f);
rb.AddForce(normalVector * jumpForce * 0.5f);
if (rb.velocity.y < 0.5f)
rb.velocity = new Vector3(velocity.x, 0f, velocity.z);
else if (rb.velocity.y > 0f)
rb.velocity = new Vector3(velocity.x, velocity.y / 2f, velocity.z);
if (wallRunning)
rb.AddForce(wallNormalVector * jumpForce * 3f);
Invoke("ResetJump", jumpCooldown);
if (wallRunning)
wallRunning = false;
//Looking around by using your mouse
private void Look()
float num = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivity * Time.fixedDeltaTime * sensMultiplier;
float num2 = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivity * Time.fixedDeltaTime * sensMultiplier;
desiredX = playerCam.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y + num;
xRotation -= num2;
xRotation = Mathf.Clamp(xRotation, -90f, 90f);
actualWallRotation = Mathf.SmoothDamp(actualWallRotation, wallRunRotation, ref wallRotationVel, 0.2f);
playerCam.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(xRotation, desiredX, actualWallRotation);
orientation.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, desiredX, 0f);
//Make the player movement feel good
private void CounterMovement(float x, float y, Vector2 mag)
if (!grounded || jumping)
float num = 0.16f;
float num2 = 0.01f;
if (crouching)
rb.AddForce(moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime * -rb.velocity.normalized * slideSlowdown);
if ((Math.Abs(mag.x) > num2 && Math.Abs(x) < 0.05f) || (mag.x < 0f - num2 && x > 0f) || (mag.x > num2 && x < 0f))
rb.AddForce(moveSpeed * orientation.transform.right * Time.deltaTime * (0f - mag.x) * num);
if ((Math.Abs(mag.y) > num2 && Math.Abs(y) < 0.05f) || (mag.y < 0f - num2 && y > 0f) || (mag.y > num2 && y < 0f))
rb.AddForce(moveSpeed * orientation.transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * (0f - mag.y) * num);
if (Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(rb.velocity.x, 2f) + Mathf.Pow(rb.velocity.z, 2f)) > walkSpeed)
float num3 = rb.velocity.y;
Vector3 vector = rb.velocity.normalized * walkSpeed;
rb.velocity = new Vector3(vector.x, num3, vector.z);
public Vector2 FindVelRelativeToLook()
float current = orientation.transform.eulerAngles.y;
float target = Mathf.Atan2(rb.velocity.x, rb.velocity.z) * 57.29578f;
float num = Mathf.DeltaAngle(current, target);
float num2 = 90f - num;
float magnitude = rb.velocity.magnitude;
return new Vector2(y: magnitude * Mathf.Cos(num * ((float)Math.PI / 180f)), x: magnitude * Mathf.Cos(num2 * ((float)Math.PI / 180f)));
private void FindWallRunRotation()
if (!wallRunning)
wallRunRotation = 0f;
_ = new Vector3(0f, playerCam.transform.rotation.y, 0f).normalized;
new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
float num = 0f;
float current = playerCam.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
if (Math.Abs(wallNormalVector.x - 1f) < 0.1f)
num = 90f;
else if (Math.Abs(wallNormalVector.x - -1f) < 0.1f)
num = 270f;
else if (Math.Abs(wallNormalVector.z - 1f) < 0.1f)
num = 0f;
else if (Math.Abs(wallNormalVector.z - -1f) < 0.1f)
num = 180f;
num = Vector3.SignedAngle(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), wallNormalVector, Vector3.up);
float num2 = Mathf.DeltaAngle(current, num);
wallRunRotation = (0f - num2 / 90f) * 15f;
if (!readyToWallrun)
if ((Mathf.Abs(wallRunRotation) < 4f && y > 0f && Math.Abs(x) < 0.1f) || (Mathf.Abs(wallRunRotation) > 22f && y < 0f && Math.Abs(x) < 0.1f))
if (!cancelling)
cancelling = true;
Invoke("CancelWallrun", 0.2f);
cancelling = false;
private void CancelWallrun()
Invoke("GetReadyToWallrun", 0.1f);
rb.AddForce(wallNormalVector * 600f);
readyToWallrun = false;
private void GetReadyToWallrun()
readyToWallrun = true;
private void WallRunning()
if (wallRunning)
rb.AddForce(-wallNormalVector * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed);
rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * rb.mass * 100f * wallRunGravity);
private bool IsFloor(Vector3 v)
return Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, v) < maxSlopeAngle;
private bool IsSurf(Vector3 v)
float num = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, v);
if (num < 89f)
return num > maxSlopeAngle;
return false;
private bool IsWall(Vector3 v)
return Math.Abs(90f - Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, v)) < 0.1f;
private bool IsRoof(Vector3 v)
return v.y == -1f;
private void StartWallRun(Vector3 normal)
if (!grounded && readyToWallrun)
wallNormalVector = normal;
float num = 20f;
if (!wallRunning)
rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, 0f, rb.velocity.z);
rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * num, ForceMode.Impulse);
wallRunning = true;
private void OnCollisionStay(Collision other)
int layer = other.gameObject.layer;
if ((int)whatIsGround != ((int)whatIsGround | (1 << layer)))
for (int i = 0; i < other.contactCount; i++)
Vector3 normal = other.contacts[i].normal;
if (IsFloor(normal))
if (wallRunning)
wallRunning = false;
grounded = true;
normalVector = normal;
cancellingGrounded = false;
if (IsWall(normal) && layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("wallrun"))
onWall = true;
cancellingWall = false;
if (IsSurf(normal))
surfing = true;
cancellingSurf = false;
float num = 3f;
if (!cancellingGrounded)
cancellingGrounded = true;
Invoke("StopGrounded", Time.deltaTime * num);
if (!cancellingWall)
cancellingWall = true;
Invoke("StopWall", Time.deltaTime * num);
if (!cancellingSurf)
cancellingSurf = true;
Invoke("StopSurf", Time.deltaTime * num);
private void StopGrounded()
grounded = false;
private void StopWall()
onWall = false;
wallRunning = false;
private void StopSurf()
surfing = false;
public Vector3 GetVelocity()
return rb.velocity;
public float GetFallSpeed()
return rb.velocity.y;
public Collider GetPlayerCollider()
return playerCollider;
public Transform GetPlayerCamTransform()
return playerCam.transform;
public bool IsCrouching()
return crouching;
public Rigidbody GetRb()
return rb;
void StartGrapple()
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(camera.position, camera.forward, out hit, maxDistance, whatIsGrappleable))
grapplePoint = hit.point;
joint = player.gameObject.AddComponent<SpringJoint>();
joint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
joint.connectedAnchor = grapplePoint;
float distanceFromPoint = Vector3.Distance(player.position, grapplePoint);
// Configure joint settings
joint.maxDistance = distanceFromPoint * 0.8f;
joint.minDistance = distanceFromPoint * 0.25f;
joint.spring = 4.5f;
joint.damper = 7f;
joint.massScale = 4.5f;
// Start drawing the rope
lr.positionCount = 2;
currentGrapplePosition = gunTip.position;
void StopGrapple()
lr.positionCount = 0;
if (joint != null)
void DrawRope()
if (!joint) return;
currentGrapplePosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentGrapplePosition, grapplePoint, Time.deltaTime * 8f);
lr.SetPosition(0, gunTip.position);
lr.SetPosition(1, currentGrapplePosition);
public bool IsGrappling()
return joint != null;
public Vector3 GetGrapplePoint()
return grapplePoint;
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