Reputation: 1
I’m a student and on one of my courses I’m learning AI coding with Python. Right now I’m trying to implement the A* algorithm on Berkeley’s Pacman, but I’m struggling to implement it. I understand how that algorithm works.
I tried to code something "that I'll put next to my explanation" and the goal is to find the path to the nearest food until there's no food left.
def a_star(self, current_state, start_pos, food_pos_list):
open_list = PriorityQueue() # Empty Priority Queue
cost = {} # Cost
if not food_pos_list:
return None
open_list.push(start_pos, 0)
while not open_list.is_empty():
current = open_list.pop()
start_h = min(util.manhattan_distance(start_pos, food) for food in food_pos_list) # shortest manhattan distance to food
if current in food_pos_list:
path = []
return []
That's all I've done for now.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 46