Reputation: 89133
This more of a style question, rather than a how to.
So I've got a program that needs two command line arguments: a string and an integer.
I implemented it this way:
main = do
args@(~( aString : aInteger : [] ) ) <- getArgs
let parsed@( ~[(n,_)] ) = reads aInteger
if length args /= 2 || L.null parsed
then do
name <- getProgName
hPutStrLn stderr $ "usage: " ++ name ++ " <string> <integer>"
else do
doStuffWith aString n
While this works, this is the first time I've really used command line args in Haskell, so I'm not sure whether this is a horribly awkward and unreadable way to do what I want.
Using lazy pattern matching works, but I could see how it could be frowned upon by other coders. And the use of reads to see if I got a successful parse definitely felt awkward when writing it.
Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
Upvotes: 29
Views: 15471
Reputation: 89133
These days, I'm a big fan of optparse-generic for parsing command line arguments:
As your program matures, you may want to come up with a complete help, and a well-annotated options data type, which options-generic
is great at. But it's also great at parsing lists and tuples without any annotation at all, so you can hit the ground running:
For example
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Options.Generic
main :: IO ()
main = do
(n, c) <- getRecord "Example program"
putStrLn $ replicate n c
Runs as:
$ ./OptparseGenericExample
Missing: INT CHAR
Usage: OptparseGenericExample INT CHAR
$ ./OptparseGenericExample 5 c
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 84719
I agree the optparse-applicative
package is very nice. Awesome!
Let me give an up-to-date example.
The program takes as arguments a string and an integer n, returns the string replicated n times, and it has a flag which reverses the string.
-- file: repstring.hs
import Options.Applicative
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
data Sample = Sample
{ string :: String
, n :: Int
, flip :: Bool }
replicateString :: Sample -> IO ()
replicateString (Sample string n flip) =
if not flip then putStrLn repstring else putStrLn $ reverse repstring
where repstring = foldr (++) "" $ replicate n string
sample :: Parser Sample
sample = Sample
<$> argument str
( metavar "STRING"
<> help "String to replicate" )
<*> argument auto
( metavar "INTEGER"
<> help "Number of replicates" )
<*> switch
( long "flip"
<> short 'f'
<> help "Whether to reverse the string" )
main :: IO ()
main = execParser opts >>= replicateString
opts = info (helper <*> sample)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "Replicate a string"
<> header "repstring - an example of the optparse-applicative package" )
Once the file is compiled (with ghc
as usual):
$ ./repstring --help
repstring - an example of the optparse-applicative package
Usage: repstring STRING INTEGER [-f|--flip]
Replicate a string
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
STRING String to replicate
INTEGER Number of replicates
-f,--flip Whether to reverse the string
$ ./repstring "hi" 3
$ ./repstring "hi" 3 -f
Now, assume you want an optional argument, a name to append at the end of the string:
-- file: repstring2.hs
import Options.Applicative
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
data Sample = Sample
{ string :: String
, n :: Int
, flip :: Bool
, name :: Maybe String }
replicateString :: Sample -> IO ()
replicateString (Sample string n flip maybeName) =
if not flip then putStrLn $ repstring ++ name else putStrLn $ reverse repstring ++ name
where repstring = foldr (++) "" $ replicate n string
name = if isJust maybeName then fromJust maybeName else ""
sample :: Parser Sample
sample = Sample
<$> argument str
( metavar "STRING"
<> help "String to replicate" )
<*> argument auto
( metavar "INTEGER"
<> help "Number of replicates" )
<*> switch
( long "flip"
<> short 'f'
<> help "Whether to reverse the string" )
<*> ( optional $ strOption
( metavar "NAME"
<> long "append"
<> short 'a'
<> help "Append name" ))
Compile and have fun:
$ ./repstring2 "hi" 3 -f -a rampion
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 1860
There are plenty of argument/option parsing libraries in Haskell that make life easier than with read
, an example with a modern one (optparse-applicative) might be of interest:
import Options.Applicative
doStuffWith :: String -> Int -> IO ()
doStuffWith s n = mapM_ putStrLn $ replicate n s
parser = fmap (,)
(argument str (metavar "<string>")) <*>
(argument auto (metavar "<integer>"))
main = execParser (info parser fullDesc) >>= (uncurry doStuffWith)
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 40807
I suggest using a case
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[aString, aInteger] | [(n,_)] <- reads aInteger ->
doStuffWith aString n
_ -> do
name <- getProgName
hPutStrLn stderr $ "usage: " ++ name ++ " <string> <integer>"
The binding in a guard used here is a pattern guard, a new feature added in Haskell 2010 (and a commonly-used GHC extension before that).
Using reads
like this is perfectly acceptable; it's basically the only way to recover properly from invalid reads, at least until we get readMaybe
or something of its ilk in the standard library (there have been proposals to do it over the years, but they've fallen prey to bikeshedding). Using lazy pattern matching and conditionals to emulate a case
expression is less acceptable :)
Another possible alternative, using the view patterns extension, is
case args of
[aString, reads -> [(n,_)]] ->
doStuffWith aString n
_ -> ...
This avoids the one-use aInteger
binding, and keeps the "parsing logic" close to the structure of the argument list. However, it's not standard Haskell (although the extension is by no means controversial).
For more complex argument handling, you might want to look into a specialised module — System.Console.GetOpt is in the standard base
library, but only handles options (not argument parsing), while cmdlib and cmdargs are more "full-stack" solutions (although I caution you to avoid the "Implicit" mode of cmdargs, as it's a gross impure hack to make the syntax a bit nicer; the "Explicit" mode should be just fine, however).
Upvotes: 21