Reputation: 6597
I have two questions regarding functions in C++: can you dynamically declare a function when passing it as a reference, and is it possible to store functions to use later?
Passing Dynamic Function?
My question may not be worded perfectly clear, but what I mean is in Java you quite often see code that looks like:
button.addActionListener( new ActionListener( )
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
System.out.println( "..." );
} );
or JavaScript:
$( ".class" ).each( function( )
alert( "..." );
} );
While in C++ you are limited to:
void print( )
std::cout << "..." << std::endl;
void func( void ( &f )( ) )
f( );
// ...
func( print );
and can not do something like
void func( void ( &f )( ) )
f( );
// ...
func( void f( ){ ... } );
Is this just a limitation to C++?
Storing Functions?
Is it at all possible to store similar functions into a container to be called later? An example of the idea (which does not work) is:
std::vector< void( ) > storage;
void callMeLater( void ( &f )( ) )
storage.push_back( f );
void popFunction( )
void f( ) = storage.pop_back( );
f( );
These ideas both came to me when working on an Event system, to see if my Timer object could also handle delayed functions as well as event calls. As I have never seen these used in any C++ code, I doubt they are possible but would love to be shown otherwise!
Thank you.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 173
Reputation: 39109
With the current standard, it has become very easy:
#include <functional>
void foo (std::function<float(float,float)> bar) {
std::cout << bar (0.5, 0.75);
std::function<float(float,float)> frob = bar;
Within the angle brackets you declare the output (a single float in this case) and input (two floats).
You could then call it like this:
float perlin_noise_function (float x, float z) { ... }
class PerlinNoiseFunctor : public std::binary_function<float(float,float)>
int main () {
// pass function pointer
foo (perlin_noise);
// pass functor
PerlinNoiseFunctor pnf;
foo (pnf);
// pass lambda function
foo ([] (float x, float z) { ... });
You could also replace foo
like this:
template <typename F>
void foo (F f) ;
Upvotes: 2