Reputation: 4027

command line utility to print statistics of numbers in linux

I often find myself with a file that has one number per line. I end up importing it in excel to view things like median, standard deviation and so forth.

Is there a command line utility in linux to do the same? I usually need to find the average, median, min, max and std deviation.

Upvotes: 86

Views: 64445

Answers (18)

Olav Kvittem
Olav Kvittem

Reputation: 11

Not enough solutions ?-) : I would like to toss in gnuplot stats command. Gnuplot is a remarkably fast data analytics tool - plotting, regression...

seq 10 | gnuplot -e "stats '-' u 1"

* FILE: 
  Records:           10
  Out of range:       0
  Invalid:            0
  Header records:     0
  Blank:              0
  Data Blocks:        1

  Mean:               5.5000
  Std Dev:            2.8723
  Sample StdDev:      3.0277
  Skewness:           0.0000
  Kurtosis:           1.7758
  Avg Dev:            2.5000
  Sum:               55.0000
  Sum Sq.:          385.0000

  Mean Err.:          0.9083
  Std Dev Err.:       0.6423
  Skewness Err.:      0.7746
  Kurtosis Err.:      1.5492

  Minimum:            1.0000 [ 0]
  Maximum:           10.0000 [ 9]
  Quartile:           3.0000 
  Median:             5.5000 
  Quartile:           8.0000 

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 175

The chosen answer uses R. Using the same tool, I find a script nicer to work with (than a one-liner) as it can be modified more comfortably to add any specific stats, or format the output differently.

Given this file data.txt:


Having this basic-stats script in $PATH:

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# Build a numeric vector.
x <- as.numeric(readLines("stdin"))

# Custom basic statistics.
basic_stats <- data.frame(
    N = length(x), min = min(x), mean = mean(x), median = median(x), stddev = sd(x),
    percentile_95 = quantile(x, c(.95)), percentile_99 = quantile(x, c(.99)),
    max = max(x))

# Print output.
print(round(basic_stats, 3), row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE)

Execute basic-stats < data.txt to print to stdout the following:

 N  min mean median stddev percentile_95 percentile_99 max
 10 1   5.5  5.5    3.028  9.55          9.91          10 

The formatting can look a bit nicer by replacing the last 2 lines of the script with the following:

# Print output. Tabular formatting is done by the `column` command.
temp_file <- tempfile("basic_stats_", fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(round(basic_stats, 3), file = temp_file, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
system(paste("column -s, -t", temp_file))
. <- file.remove(temp_file)

This is the output now, with 2 spaces between columns (instead of 1 space):

N   min  mean  median  stddev  percentile_95  percentile_99  max
10  1    5.5   5.5     3.028   9.55           9.91           10

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 80415

# stdev - figure N, min, max, median, mode, mean, & std deviation
# pull out all the real numbers in the input
# stream and run standard calculations on them.
# they may be intermixed with other test, need
# not be on the same or different lines, and 
# can be in scientific notion (avagadro=6.02e23).
# they also admit a leading + or -.
# Tom Christiansen
# [email protected]

use strict;
use warnings;

use List::Util qw< min max >;

my $number_rx = qr{

  # leading sign, positive or negative
    (?: [+-] ? )

  # mantissa
    (?= [0123456789.] )
        # "N" or "N." or "N.N"
            (?: [0123456789] +     )
                (?: [.] )
                (?: [0123456789] * )
            ) ?
        # ".N", no leading digits
                (?: [.] )
                (?: [0123456789] + )

  # abscissa
        (?: [Ee] )
            (?: [+-] ? )
            (?: [0123456789] + )

my $n = 0;
my $sum = 0;
my @values = ();

my %seen = ();

while (<>) {
    while (/($number_rx)/g) {
        my $num = 0 + $1;  # 0+ is so numbers in alternate form count as same
        $sum += $num;
        push @values, $num;

die "no values" if $n == 0;

my $mean = $sum / $n;

my $sqsum = 0;
for (@values) {
    $sqsum += ( $_ ** 2 );
$sqsum /= $n;
$sqsum -= ( $mean ** 2 );
my $stdev = sqrt($sqsum);

my $max_seen_count = max values %seen;
my @modes = grep { $seen{$_} == $max_seen_count } keys %seen;

my $mode = @modes == 1 
            ? $modes[0] 
            : "(" . join(", ", @modes) . ")";
$mode .= ' @ ' . $max_seen_count;

my $median;
my $mid = int @values/2;
if (@values % 2) {
    $median = $values[ $mid ];
} else {
    $median = ($values[$mid-1] + $values[$mid])/2;

my $min = min @values;
my $max = max @values;

printf "n is %d, min is %g, max is %d\n", $n, $min, $max;
printf "mode is %s, median is %g, mean is %g, stdev is %g\n", 
    $mode, $median, $mean, $stdev;

Upvotes: 3

Jose Quinteiro
Jose Quinteiro

Reputation: 489

I found myself wanting to do this in a shell pipeline, and getting all the right arguments for R took a while. Here's what I came up with:

seq 10 | R --slave -e 'x <- scan(file="stdin",quiet=TRUE); summary(x)'
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1.00    3.25    5.50    5.50    7.75   10.00

The --slave option "Make(s) R run as quietly as possible...It implies --quiet and --no-save." The -e option tells R to treat the following string as R code. The first statement reads from standard in, and stores what's read in the variable called "x". The quiet=TRUE option to the scan function suppresses the writing of a line saying how many items were read. The second statement applies the summary function to x, which produces the output.

Upvotes: 10

Skippy le Grand Gourou
Skippy le Grand Gourou

Reputation: 7714

For the average, median & standard deviation you can use awk. This will generally be faster than R solutions. For instance the following will print the average :

awk '{a+=$1} END{print a/NR}' myfile

(NR is an awk variable for the number of records, $1 means the first (space-separated) argument of the line ($0 would be the whole line, which would also work here but in principle would be less secure, although for the computation it would probably just take the first argument anyway) and END means that the following commands will be executed after having processed the whole file (one could also have initialized a to 0 in a BEGIN{a=0} statement)).

Here is a simple awk script which provides more detailed statistics (takes a CSV file as input, otherwise change FS) :

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

   a += $1;
   b[++i] = $1;
    m = a/NR; # mean
    for (i in b)
        d += (b[i]-m)^2;
        e += (b[i]-m)^3;
        f += (b[i]-m)^4;
    va = d/NR; # variance
    sd = sqrt(va); # standard deviation
    sk = (e/NR)/sd^3; # skewness
    ku = (f/NR)/sd^4-3; # standardized kurtosis
    print "N,sum,mean,variance,std,SEM,skewness,kurtosis"
    print NR "," a "," m "," va "," sd "," sd/sqrt(NR) "," sk "," ku

It is straightforward to add min/max to this script, but it is as easy to pipe sort & head/tail :

sort -n myfile | head -n1
sort -n myfile | tail -n1

Upvotes: 40

Harry Mangalam
Harry Mangalam

Reputation: 51

Also, the self-write stats, (bundled with 'scut') a perl util to do just that. Fed a stream of numbers on STDIN, it tries to reject non-numbers and emits the following:

$ ls -lR | scut -f=4 | stats
Sum       3.10271e+07
Number    452
Mean      68643.9
Median    4469.5
Mode      4096
NModes    6
Min       2
Max       1.01171e+07
Range     1.01171e+07
Variance  3.03828e+11
Std_Dev   551206
SEM       25926.6
95% Conf  17827.9 to 119460
          (for a normal distribution - see skew)
Skew      15.4631
          (skew = 0 for a symmetric dist)
Std_Skew  134.212
Kurtosis  258.477
          (K=3 for a normal dist)

It can also do a number of transforms on the input stream and emit only the unadorned value if you ask it; ie 'stats --mean' will return the mean as an unlabelled float.

Upvotes: 2

Alex R
Alex R

Reputation: 951

Yet another tool which could be used for calculating statistics and view distribution in ASCII mode is ministat. It's a tool from FreeBSD, but it also packaged for popular Linux distribution like Debian/Ubuntu. Or you can simply download and build it from sources - it only requires a C compiler and the C standard library.

Usage example:

$ cat test.log 
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.575278
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.569267
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.540344
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.547680
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.692373
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.390200
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.391308
Handled 1000000 packets.Time elapsed: 7.388075

$ cat test.log| awk '{print $5}' | ministat -w 74
x <stdin>
| x                                                                        |
|xx                                   xx    x x                           x|
|   |__________________________A_______M_________________|                 |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x   8      7.388075      7.692373       7.54768     7.5118156    0.11126122

Upvotes: 29


Reputation: 406

Another tool: tsv-summarize, from eBay's tsv utilities. Min, max, mean, median, standard deviation are all supported. Intended for large data sets. Example:

$ seq 10 | tsv-summarize --min 1 --max 1 --median 1 --stdev 1
1    10    5.5    3.0276503541

Disclaimer: I'm the author.

Upvotes: 2

Matt Parker
Matt Parker

Reputation: 27349

This is a breeze with R. For a file that looks like this:


Use this:

R -q -e "x <- read.csv('nums.txt', header = F); summary(x); sd(x[ , 1])"

To get this:

 Min.   : 1.00  
 1st Qu.: 3.25  
 Median : 5.50  
 Mean   : 5.50  
 3rd Qu.: 7.75  
 Max.   :10.00  
[1] 3.02765
  • The -q flag squelches R's startup licensing and help output
  • The -e flag tells R you'll be passing an expression from the terminal
  • x is a data.frame - a table, basically. It's a structure that accommodates multiple vectors/columns of data, which is a little peculiar if you're just reading in a single vector. This has an impact on which functions you can use.
  • Some functions, like summary(), naturally accommodate data.frames. If x had multiple fields, summary() would provide the above descriptive stats for each.
  • But sd() can only take one vector at a time, which is why I index x for that command (x[ , 1] returns the first column of x). You could use apply(x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sd) to get the SDs for all columns.

Upvotes: 65


Reputation: 46856


awk '{sum += $1} END {print "mean = " sum/NR}' filename


gawk -v max=128 '

    function median(c,v,    j) { 
       if (c % 2) return j[(c+1)/2]
       else return (j[c/2+1]+j[c/2])/2.0

       if (count >= max) { 
         print  median(count,values); count=0

    END { 
       print  "median = " median(count,values)
    ' filename


awk '{c[$1]++} END {for (i in count) {if (c[i]>max) {max=i}} print "mode = " max}' filename

This mode calculation requires an even number of samples, but you see how it works...

Standard Deviation:

awk '{sum+=$1; sumsq+=$1*$1} END {print "stdev = " sqrt(sumsq/NR - (sum/NR)**2)}' filename

Upvotes: 18


Reputation: 4700

Using xsv:

$ echo '3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 9' |tr ' ' '\n' > numbers-one-per-line.csv

$ xsv stats -n < numbers-one-per-line.csv 

# mode/median/cardinality not shown by default since it requires storing full file in memory:
$ xsv stats -n --everything < numbers-one-per-line.csv | xsv table
field  type     sum  min  max  min_length  max_length  mean               stddev              median  mode  cardinality
0      Integer  53   1    9    1           1           4.416666666666667  2.5644470922381863  4.5     5     7

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 1328

Yet another tool:

# Example: calculate the sum and mean of values 1 to 10:
$ seq 10 | datamash sum 1 mean 1
55 5.5

Might be more commonly packaged (the first tool I found prepackaged for nix at least)

Upvotes: 20


Reputation: 1302

You might also consider using clistats. It is a highly configurable command line interface tool to compute statistics for a stream of delimited input numbers.

I/O options

  • Input data can be from a file, standard input, or a pipe
  • Output can be written to a file, standard output, or a pipe
  • Output uses headers that start with "#" to enable piping to gnuplot

Parsing options

  • Signal, end-of-file, or blank line based detection to stop processing
  • Comment and delimiter character can be set
  • Columns can be filtered out from processing
  • Rows can be filtered out from processing based on numeric constraint
  • Rows can be filtered out from processing based on string constraint
  • Initial header rows can be skipped
  • Fixed number of rows can be processed
  • Duplicate delimiters can be ignored
  • Rows can be reshaped into columns
  • Strictly enforce that only rows of the same size are processed
  • A row containing column titles can be used to title output statistics

Statistics options

  • Summary statistics (Count, Minimum, Mean, Maximum, Standard deviation)
  • Covariance
  • Correlation
  • Least squares offset
  • Least squares slope
  • Histogram
  • Raw data after filtering

NOTE: I'm the author.

Upvotes: 8

Matt Parker
Matt Parker

Reputation: 27349

data_hacks is a Python command-line utility for basic statistics.

The first example from that page produces the desired results:

$ cat /tmp/data |
# NumSamples = 29; Max = 10.00; Min = 1.00
# Mean = 4.379310; Variance = 5.131986; SD = 2.265389
# each * represents a count of 1
    1.0000 -     1.9000 [     1]: *
    1.9000 -     2.8000 [     5]: *****
    2.8000 -     3.7000 [     8]: ********
    3.7000 -     4.6000 [     3]: ***
    4.6000 -     5.5000 [     4]: ****
    5.5000 -     6.4000 [     2]: **
    6.4000 -     7.3000 [     3]: ***
    7.3000 -     8.2000 [     1]: *
    8.2000 -     9.1000 [     1]: *
    9.1000 -    10.0000 [     1]: *

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 41

There is also simple-r, which can do almost everything that R can, but with less keystrokes:

To calculate basic descriptive statistics, one would have to type one of:

r summary file.txt
r summary - < file.txt
cat file.txt | r summary -

For each of average, median, min, max and std deviation, the code would be:

seq 1 100 | r mean - 
seq 1 100 | r median -
seq 1 100 | r min -
seq 1 100 | r max -
seq 1 100 | r sd -

Doesn't get any simple-R!

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 611

Using "st" (

$ st numbers.txt
N    min   max   sum   mean  stddev
10   1     10    55    5.5   3.02765


$ st numbers.txt --transpose
N      10
min    1
max    10
sum    55
mean   5.5
stddev 3.02765

(DISCLAIMER: I wrote this tool :))

Upvotes: 49


Reputation: 91

Just in case, there's datastat, a simple program for Linux computing simple statistics from the command-line. For example,

cat file.dat | datastat

will output the average value across all rows for each column of file.dat. If you need to know the standard deviation, min, max, you can add the --dev, --min and --max options, respectively.

datastat has the possibility to aggregate rows based on the value of one or more "key" columns. For example,

cat file.dat | datastat -k 1

will produce, for each different value found on the first column (the "key"), the average of all other column values as aggregated among all rows with the same value on the key. You can use more columns as key fields (e.g., -k 1-3, -k 2,4 etc...).

It's written in C++, runs fast and with small memory occupation, and can be piped nicely with other tools such as cut, grep, sed, sort, awk etc.

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 4870

Yep, it's called perl
and here is concise one-liner:

perl -e 'use List::Util qw(max min sum); @a=();while(<>){$sqsum+=$_*$_; push(@a,$_)}; $n=@a;$s=sum(@a);$a=$s/@a;$m=max(@a);$mm=min(@a);$std=sqrt($sqsum/$n-($s/$n)*($s/$n));$mid=int @a/2;@srtd=sort @a;if(@a%2){$med=$srtd[$mid];}else{$med=($srtd[$mid-1]+$srtd[$mid])/2;};print "records:$n\nsum:$s\navg:$a\nstd:$std\nmed:$med\max:$m\min:$mm";'


$ cat tt

And the command

cat tt | perl -e 'use List::Util qw(max min sum); @a=();while(<>){$sqsum+=$_*$_; push(@a,$_)}; $n=@a;$s=sum(@a);$a=$s/@a;$m=max(@a);$mm=min(@a);$std=sqrt($sqsum/$n-($s/$n)*($s/$n));$mid=int @a/2;@srtd=sort @a;if(@a%2){$med=$srtd[$mid];}else{$med=($srtd[$mid-1]+$srtd[$mid])/2;};print "records:$n\nsum:$s\navg:$a\nstd:$std\nmed:$med\max:$m\min:$mm";'

Upvotes: 21

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