Peter Stegnar
Peter Stegnar

Reputation: 12935

How to remove all namespaces from XML with C#?

I am looking for the clean, elegant and smart solution to remove namespacees from all XML elements? How would function to do that look like?

Defined interface:

public interface IXMLUtils
        string RemoveAllNamespaces(string xmlDocument);

Sample XML to remove NS from:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfInserts xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <offer xmlns="">0174587</offer>
    <type2 xmlns="">014717</type2>
    <supplier xmlns="">019172</supplier>
    <id_frame xmlns="" />
    <type3 xmlns="">
      <type2 />
    <status xmlns="">Some state</status>

After we call RemoveAllNamespaces(xmlWithLotOfNs), we should get:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
        <offer >0174587</offer>
        <type2 >014717</type2>
        <supplier >019172</supplier>
        <id_frame  />
        <type3 >
          <type2 />
        <status >Some state</status>

Preffered language of solution is C# on .NET 3.5 SP1.

Upvotes: 118

Views: 209739

Answers (30)


Reputation: 11773

A vb .net version of Peter Stegnar's code.

Public Class XElementRemoveNameSpace
    'based on
    '  Peter Stegnar's code here
    Public Shared Function RemoveAllNamespaces(inXML As XElement) As XElement
        Dim Xel As XElement = _RemoveAllNamespaces(inXML)
        Return Xel
    End Function

    Private Shared Function _RemoveAllNamespaces(inXML As XElement) As XElement
        Dim Xel As XElement
        If Not inXML.HasElements Then
            Xel = New XElement(inXML.Name.LocalName)
            Xel.Value = inXML.Value
            SetAttrs(inXML, Xel)
            Return Xel
            Xel = New XElement(inXML.Name.LocalName, inXML.Elements().Select(Function(el) _RemoveAllNamespaces(el)))
            SetAttrs(inXML, Xel) 'in case there are attributes on this element
            Return Xel
        End If
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub SetAttrs(inXML As XElement, outXML As XElement)
        If inXML.HasAttributes Then
            Dim nm As String
            Dim NamespaceName As String
            For Each attribute As XAttribute In inXML.Attributes()
                    nm = attribute.Name.LocalName
                    ' NamespaceName = attribute.Name.NamespaceName 'for debug
                    outXML.SetAttributeValue(nm, attribute.Value) 'stop invOP exception
                Catch invOP As InvalidOperationException
                    'todo dup attributes - should not happen
                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 93

I tried some of the solutions, but as stated by so many, there are some edge cases.

Used some of the regexes above, but came to the conclusion that a one step regex is not feasable.

So here is my solution, 2 step regex, find tags, within tags remove, do not alter cdata:

            Func<Match, String> NamespaceRemover = delegate (Match match)
                var result = match.Value;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["cdata"].Value))
                    // find all prefixes within start-, end tag and attributes and also namespace declarations
                    return Regex.Replace(result, "((?<=<|<\\/| ))\\w+:| xmlns(:\\w+)?=\".*?\"", "");
                    // cdata as is
                    return result;
            // XmlDocument doc;
            // string file;
                // find all begin, cdata and end tags (do not change order)
                new MatchEvaluator(NamespaceRemover)

For now it is 100% working for me.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 3731

Bit late to the party on this one but here's what I used recently:

var doc = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
doc.Root.DescendantNodesAndSelf().OfType<XElement>().Attributes().Where(att => att.IsNamespaceDeclaration).Remove();

(taken from this MSDN Thread)

Edit As per the comment below, it appears that while this removes the namespace prefix from the nodes it doesn't actually remove the xmlns attribute. To do that you need to also reset the name of each node to it's localname (eg name minus namespace)

foreach (var node in doc.Root.DescendantNodesAndSelf().OfType<XElement>())
    node.Name = node.Name.LocalName;

Upvotes: 4

Stas BZ
Stas BZ

Reputation: 1202

Without recreating whole node hierarchy:

private static void RemoveDefNamespace(XElement element)
    var defNamespase = element.Attribute("xmlns");
    if (defNamespase != null)

    element.Name = element.Name.LocalName;
    foreach (var child in element.Elements())

Upvotes: 0

Peter Stegnar
Peter Stegnar

Reputation: 12935

Well, here is the final answer. I have used great Jimmy idea (which unfortunately is not complete itself) and complete recursion function to work properly.

Based on interface:

string RemoveAllNamespaces(string xmlDocument);

I represent here final clean and universal C# solution for removing XML namespaces:

//Implemented based on interface, not part of algorithm
public static string RemoveAllNamespaces(string xmlDocument)
    XElement xmlDocumentWithoutNs = RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement.Parse(xmlDocument));

    return xmlDocumentWithoutNs.ToString();

//Core recursion function
 private static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
        if (!xmlDocument.HasElements)
            XElement xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName);
            xElement.Value = xmlDocument.Value;

            foreach (XAttribute attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())

            return xElement;
        return new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName, xmlDocument.Elements().Select(el => RemoveAllNamespaces(el)));

It's working 100%, but I have not tested it much so it may not cover some special cases... But it is good base to start.

Upvotes: 122


Reputation: 138

Here's are Regex Replace one liner:

public static string RemoveNamespaces(this string xml)
    return Regex.Replace(xml, "((?<=<|<\\/)|(?<= ))[A-Za-z0-9]+:| xmlns(:[A-Za-z0-9]+)?=\".*?\"", "");

Here's a sample:

Warning:there might be edge cases!

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1

After much searching for a solution to this very issue, this particular page seemed to have the most beef...however, nothing quite fit exactly, so I took the old-fashioned way and just parsed the stuff out I wanted out. Hope this helps someone. (Note: this also removes the SOAP or similar envelope stuff.)

        public static string RemoveNamespaces(string psXml)
        // parse through the passed XML, and remove any and all namespace references...also
        // removes soap envelope/header(s)/body, or any other references via ":" entities,
        // leaving all data intact
        string xsXml = "", xsCurrQtChr = "";
        int xiPos = 0, xiLastPos = psXml.Length - 1;
        bool xbInNode = false;

        while (xiPos <= xiLastPos)
            string xsCurrChr = psXml.Substring(xiPos, 1);
            if (xbInNode)
                if (xsCurrChr == ":")
                    // soap envelope or body (or some such)
                    // we'll strip these node wrappers completely
                    // need to first strip the beginning of it off  (i.e. "<soap" or "<s")
                    int xi = xsXml.Length;
                    string xsChr = "";
                        xsChr = xsXml.Substring(xi, 1);
                        xsXml = xsXml.Substring(0, xi);
                    } while (xsChr != "<");

                    // next, find end of node
                    string xsQt = "";
                        if (xiPos <= xiLastPos)
                            xsChr = psXml.Substring(xiPos, 1);
                            if (xsQt.Length == 0)
                                if (xsChr == "'" || xsChr == "\"")
                                    xsQt = xsChr;
                                if (xsChr == xsQt)
                                    xsQt = "";  // end of quote
                                    if (xsChr == ">") xsChr = "x";      // stay in loop...this is not end of node
                    } while (xsChr != ">" && xiPos <= xiLastPos);
                    xiPos++;            // skip over closing ">"
                    xbInNode = false;
                    if (xsCurrChr == ">")
                        xbInNode = false;
                        xsXml += xsCurrChr;
                        if (xsCurrChr == " " || xsCurrChr == "\t")
                            // potential namespace...let's character must be "/"
                            // or more white space, and if not, skip until we find such
                            string xsChr = "";
                            int xiOrgLen = xsXml.Length;
                            xsXml += xsCurrChr;
                                if (xiPos <= xiLastPos)
                                    xsChr = psXml.Substring(xiPos, 1);
                                    if (xsChr == " " || xsChr == "\r" || xsChr == "\n" || xsChr == "\t")
                                        // carry on..white space
                                        xsXml += xsChr;
                                        if (xsChr == "/" || xsChr == ">")
                                            xsXml += xsChr;
                                            // namespace! - get rid of it
                                            xsXml = xsXml.Substring(0, xiOrgLen - 0);       // first, truncate any added whitespace
                                            // next, peek forward until we find "/" or ">"
                                            string xsQt = "";
                                                if (xiPos <= xiLastPos)
                                                    xsChr = psXml.Substring(xiPos, 1);
                                                    if (xsQt.Length > 0)
                                                        if (xsChr == xsQt) xsQt = ""; else xsChr = "x";
                                                        if (xsChr == "'" || xsChr == "\"") xsQt = xsChr;
                                            } while (xsChr != ">" && xsChr != "/" && xiPos <= xiLastPos);
                                            if (xsChr == ">" || xsChr == "/") xsXml += xsChr;
                                            xbInNode = false;
                            } while (xsChr != ">" && xsChr != "/" && xiPos <= xiLastPos);
                            xsXml += xsCurrChr;
                // if not currently inside a node, then we are in a value (or about to enter a new node)
                xsXml += xsCurrChr;
                if (xsCurrQtChr.Length == 0)
                    if (xsCurrChr == "<")
                        xbInNode = true;
                    // currently inside a quoted string
                    if (xsCurrQtChr == xsCurrChr)
                        // finishing quoted string
                        xsCurrQtChr = "";

        return (xsXml);

Upvotes: 0

Scott Parker
Scott Parker

Reputation: 11

This worked for me.

       FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);

       StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);

        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        ds.Namespace = "";

        string outXML = ds.GetXml();

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 5348

I really liked where Dexter is going up there so I translated it into a “fluent” extension method:

/// <summary>
/// Returns the specified <see cref="XElement"/>
/// without namespace qualifiers on elements and attributes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The element</param>
public static XElement WithoutNamespaces(this XElement element)
    if (element == null) return null;

    #region delegates:

        Func<XNode, XNode> getChildNode = e => (e.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) ? (e as XElement).WithoutNamespaces() : e;

        Func<XElement, IEnumerable<XAttribute>> getAttributes = e => (e.HasAttributes) ?
                .Where(a => !a.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
                .Select(a => new XAttribute(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value))


    return new XElement(element.Name.LocalName,

The “fluent” approach allows me to do this:

var xml = File.ReadAllText(presentationFile);
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var xRoot = xDoc.Root.WithoutNamespaces();

Upvotes: 6

Si Livan
Si Livan

Reputation: 11

my answer, string-manipulation-based,
lite-most code,

public static string hilangkanNamespace(string instrXML)
        char chrOpeningTag = '<';
        char chrClosingTag = '>';
        char chrSpasi = ' ';
        int intStartIndex = 0;
            int intIndexKu = instrXML.IndexOf(chrOpeningTag, intStartIndex);
            if (intIndexKu < 0)
                break; //kalau dah ga ketemu keluar
            int intStart = instrXML.IndexOfAny(new char[] { chrSpasi, chrClosingTag }, intIndexKu + 1); //mana yang ketemu duluan
            if (intStart < 0)
                break; //kalau dah ga ketemu keluar
            int intStop = instrXML.IndexOf(chrClosingTag, intStart);
            if (intStop < 0)
                break; //kalau dah ga ketemu keluar
                intStop--; //exclude si closingTag
            int intLengthToStrip = intStop - intStart + 1;
            instrXML = instrXML.Remove(intStart, intLengthToStrip);
            intStartIndex = intStart;
        } while (true);

        return instrXML;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 54

I tried the first few solutions and didn't work for me. Mainly the problem with attributes being removed like the other have already mentioned. I would say my approach is very similar to Jimmy by using the XElement constructors that taking object as parameters.

public static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(this XElement element)
    return new XElement(element.Name.LocalName,
                        element.HasAttributes ? element.Attributes().Select(a => new XAttribute(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value)) : null,
                        element.HasElements ? element.Elements().Select(e => RemoveAllNamespaces(e)) : null,

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 17180

Adding my that also cleans out the name of nodes that have namespace prefixes:

    public static string RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement element)
        string tex = element.ToString();
        var nsitems = element.DescendantsAndSelf().Select(n => n.ToString().Split(' ', '>')[0].Split('<')[1]).Where(n => n.Contains(":")).DistinctBy(n => n).ToArray();

        //Namespace prefix on nodes: <a:nodename/>
        tex = nsitems.Aggregate(tex, (current, nsnode) => current.Replace("<"+nsnode + "", "<" + nsnode.Split(':')[1] + ""));
        tex = nsitems.Aggregate(tex, (current, nsnode) => current.Replace("</" + nsnode + "", "</" + nsnode.Split(':')[1] + ""));

        //Namespace attribs
        var items = element.DescendantsAndSelf().SelectMany(d => d.Attributes().Where(a => a.IsNamespaceDeclaration || a.ToString().Contains(":"))).DistinctBy(o => o.Value);
        tex = items.Aggregate(tex, (current, xAttribute) => current.Replace(xAttribute.ToString(), ""));

        return tex;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2119

Simple solution that actually renames the elements in-place, not creating a copy, and does a pretty good job of replacing the attributes.

public void RemoveAllNamespaces(ref XElement value)
  List<XAttribute> attributesToRemove = new List<XAttribute>();
  foreach (void e_loopVariable in value.DescendantsAndSelf) {
    e = e_loopVariable;
    if (e.Name.Namespace != XNamespace.None) {
      e.Name = e.Name.LocalName;
    foreach (void a_loopVariable in e.Attributes) {
      a = a_loopVariable;
      if (a.IsNamespaceDeclaration) {
        //do not keep it at all
      } else if (a.Name.Namespace != XNamespace.None) {
        e.SetAttributeValue(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value);
  foreach (void a_loopVariable in attributesToRemove) {
    a = a_loopVariable;

Note: this does not always preserve original attribute order, but I'm sure you could change it to do that pretty easily if it's important to you.

Also note that this also could throw an exception, if you had an XElement attributes that are only unique with the namespace, like:

<root xmlns:ns1="a" xmlns:ns2="b">
    <elem ns1:dupAttrib="" ns2:dupAttrib="" />

which really seems like an inherent problem. But since the question indicated outputing a String, not an XElement, in this case you could have a solution that would output a valid String that was an invalid XElement.

I also liked jocull's answer using a custom XmlWriter, but when I tried it, it did not work for me. Although it all looks correct, I couldn't tell if the XmlNoNamespaceWriter class had any effect at all; it definitely was not removing the namespaces as I wanted it to.

Upvotes: 1

Dexter Legaspi
Dexter Legaspi

Reputation: 3312

The tagged most useful answer has two flaws:

  • It ignores attributes
  • It doesn't work with "mixed mode" elements

Here is my take on this:

 public static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement e)
    return new XElement(e.Name.LocalName,
      (from n in e.Nodes()
        select ((n is XElement) ? RemoveAllNamespaces(n as XElement) : n)),
          (e.HasAttributes) ? 
            (from a in e.Attributes() 
               where (!a.IsNamespaceDeclaration)  
               select new XAttribute(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value)) : null);

Sample code here.

Upvotes: 67

Jeff Mercado
Jeff Mercado

Reputation: 134571

Without resorting to an XSLT-based solution, if you want clean, elegant and smart, you'd need some support from the framework, in particular, the visitor pattern could make this a breeze. Unfortunately, it's not available here.

I've implemented it inspired by LINQ's ExpressionVisitor to have a similar structure to it. With this, you can apply the visitor pattern to (LINQ-to-) XML objects. (I've done limited testing on this but it works well as far as I can tell)

public abstract class XObjectVisitor
    public virtual XObject Visit(XObject node)
        if (node != null)
            return node.Accept(this);
        return node;

    public ReadOnlyCollection<XObject> Visit(IEnumerable<XObject> nodes)
        return nodes.Select(node => Visit(node))
            .Where(node => node != null)

    public T VisitAndConvert<T>(T node) where T : XObject
        if (node != null)
            return Visit(node) as T;
        return node;

    public ReadOnlyCollection<T> VisitAndConvert<T>(IEnumerable<T> nodes) where T : XObject
        return nodes.Select(node => VisitAndConvert(node))
            .Where(node => node != null)

    protected virtual XObject VisitAttribute(XAttribute node)
        return node.Update(node.Name, node.Value);

    protected virtual XObject VisitComment(XComment node)
        return node.Update(node.Value);

    protected virtual XObject VisitDocument(XDocument node)
        return node.Update(

    protected virtual XObject VisitElement(XElement node)
        return node.Update(

    protected virtual XObject VisitDocumentType(XDocumentType node)
        return node.Update(

    protected virtual XObject VisitProcessingInstruction(XProcessingInstruction node)
        return node.Update(

    protected virtual XObject VisitText(XText node)
        return node.Update(node.Value);

    protected virtual XObject VisitCData(XCData node)
        return node.Update(node.Value);

    #region Implementation details
    internal InternalAccessor Accessor
        get { return new InternalAccessor(this); }

    internal class InternalAccessor
        private XObjectVisitor visitor;
        internal InternalAccessor(XObjectVisitor visitor) { this.visitor = visitor; }

        internal XObject VisitAttribute(XAttribute node) { return visitor.VisitAttribute(node); }
        internal XObject VisitComment(XComment node) { return visitor.VisitComment(node); }
        internal XObject VisitDocument(XDocument node) { return visitor.VisitDocument(node); }
        internal XObject VisitElement(XElement node) { return visitor.VisitElement(node); }
        internal XObject VisitDocumentType(XDocumentType node) { return visitor.VisitDocumentType(node); }
        internal XObject VisitProcessingInstruction(XProcessingInstruction node) { return visitor.VisitProcessingInstruction(node); }
        internal XObject VisitText(XText node) { return visitor.VisitText(node); }
        internal XObject VisitCData(XCData node) { return visitor.VisitCData(node); }

public static class XObjectVisitorExtensions
    #region XObject.Accept "instance" method
    public static XObject Accept(this XObject node, XObjectVisitor visitor)
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(visitor, "visitor");

        // yay, easy dynamic dispatch
        Acceptor acceptor = new Acceptor(node as dynamic);
        return acceptor.Accept(visitor);
    private class Acceptor
        public Acceptor(XAttribute node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitAttribute(node)) { }
        public Acceptor(XComment node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitComment(node)) { }
        public Acceptor(XDocument node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitDocument(node)) { }
        public Acceptor(XElement node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitElement(node)) { }
        public Acceptor(XDocumentType node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitDocumentType(node)) { }
        public Acceptor(XProcessingInstruction node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitProcessingInstruction(node)) { }
        public Acceptor(XText node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitText(node)) { }
        public Acceptor(XCData node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitCData(node)) { }

        private Func<XObjectVisitor, XObject> accept;
        private Acceptor(Func<XObjectVisitor, XObject> accept) { this.accept = accept; }

        public XObject Accept(XObjectVisitor visitor) { return accept(visitor); }

    #region XObject.Update "instance" method
    public static XObject Update(this XAttribute node, XName name, string value)
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name");
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value");

        return new XAttribute(name, value);
    public static XObject Update(this XComment node, string value = null)

        return new XComment(value);
    public static XObject Update(this XDocument node, XDeclaration declaration = null, params object[] content)

        return new XDocument(declaration, content);
    public static XObject Update(this XElement node, XName name, params object[] content)
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name");

        return new XElement(name, content);
    public static XObject Update(this XDocumentType node, string name, string publicId = null, string systemId = null, string internalSubset = null)
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name");

        return new XDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset);
    public static XObject Update(this XProcessingInstruction node, string target, string data)
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(target, "target");
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(data, "data");

        return new XProcessingInstruction(target, data);
    public static XObject Update(this XText node, string value = null)

        return new XText(value);
    public static XObject Update(this XCData node, string value = null)

        return new XCData(value);

public static class Validation
    public static void CheckNullReference<T>(T obj) where T : class
        if (obj == null)
            throw new NullReferenceException();

    public static void CheckArgumentNull<T>(T obj, string paramName) where T : class
        if (obj == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName);

p.s., this particular implementation uses some .NET 4 features to make implementation a bit easier/cleaner (usage of dynamic and default arguments). It shouldn't be too dificult to make it .NET 3.5 compatible, perhaps even .NET 2.0 compatible.

Then to implement the visitor, here's a generalized one that can change multiple namespaces (and the prefix used).

public class ChangeNamespaceVisitor : XObjectVisitor
    private INamespaceMappingManager manager;
    public ChangeNamespaceVisitor(INamespaceMappingManager manager)
        Validation.CheckArgumentNull(manager, "manager");

        this.manager = manager;

    protected INamespaceMappingManager Manager { get { return manager; } }

    private XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
        var mapping = Manager.GetMapping(name.Namespace);
        return mapping.ChangeNamespace(name);

    private XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
        var mapping = Manager.GetMapping(node.Value);
        return mapping.ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(node);

    protected override XObject VisitAttribute(XAttribute node)
        if (node.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
            return ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(node);
        return node.Update(ChangeNamespace(node.Name), node.Value);

    protected override XObject VisitElement(XElement node)
        return node.Update(

// and all the gory implementation details
public class NamespaceMappingManager : INamespaceMappingManager
    private Dictionary<XNamespace, INamespaceMapping> namespaces = new Dictionary<XNamespace, INamespaceMapping>();

    public NamespaceMappingManager Add(XNamespace fromNs, XNamespace toNs, string toPrefix = null)
        var item = new NamespaceMapping(fromNs, toNs, toPrefix);
        namespaces.Add(item.FromNs, item);
        return this;

    public INamespaceMapping GetMapping(XNamespace fromNs)
        INamespaceMapping mapping;
        if (!namespaces.TryGetValue(fromNs, out mapping))
            mapping = new NullMapping();
        return mapping;

    private class NullMapping : INamespaceMapping
        public XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
            return name;

        public XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
            return node.Update(node.Name, node.Value);

    private class NamespaceMapping : INamespaceMapping
        private XNamespace fromNs;
        private XNamespace toNs;
        private string toPrefix;
        public NamespaceMapping(XNamespace fromNs, XNamespace toNs, string toPrefix = null)
            this.fromNs = fromNs ?? "";
            this.toNs = toNs ?? "";
            this.toPrefix = toPrefix;

        public XNamespace FromNs { get { return fromNs; } }
        public XNamespace ToNs { get { return toNs; } }
        public string ToPrefix { get { return toPrefix; } }

        public XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
            return name.Namespace == fromNs
                ? toNs + name.LocalName
                : name;

        public XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
            if (node.Value == fromNs.NamespaceName)
                if (toNs == XNamespace.None)
                    return null;
                var xmlns = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toPrefix)
                    ? (XNamespace.Xmlns + toPrefix)
                    : node.Name;
                return node.Update(xmlns, toNs.NamespaceName);
            return node.Update(node.Name, node.Value);

public interface INamespaceMappingManager
    INamespaceMapping GetMapping(XNamespace fromNs);

public interface INamespaceMapping
    XName ChangeNamespace(XName name);
    XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node);

And a little helper method to get the ball rolling:

T ChangeNamespace<T>(T node, XNamespace fromNs, XNamespace toNs, string toPrefix = null) where T : XObject
    return node.Accept(
        new ChangeNamespaceVisitor(
            new NamespaceMappingManager()
                .Add(fromNs, toNs, toPrefix)
    ) as T;

Then to remove a namespace, you could call it like so:

var doc = ChangeNamespace(XDocument.Load(pathToXml),
    fromNs: "",
    toNs: null);

Using this visitor, you can write a INamespaceMappingManager to remove all namespaces.

T RemoveAllNamespaces<T>(T node) where T : XObject
    return node.Accept(
        new ChangeNamespaceVisitor(new RemoveNamespaceMappingManager())
    ) as T;

public class RemoveNamespaceMappingManager : INamespaceMappingManager
    public INamespaceMapping GetMapping(XNamespace fromNs)
        return new RemoveNamespaceMapping();

    private class RemoveNamespaceMapping : INamespaceMapping
        public XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
            return name.LocalName;

        public XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
            return null;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1111

I think this is shortest answer(but for constuctions like , you will have another discussion, I also have regex to convert "<bcm:info></bcm:info>" to "<info></info>" but it wasn't optimized, If someone ask me I will share it. So, my solution is:

    public string RemoveAllNamespaces(string xmlDocument)
        return Regex.Replace(xmlDocument, @"\sxmlns(\u003A\w+)?\u003D\u0022.+\u0022", " ");

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 1

user892217's answer is almost correct. It won't compile as is, so needs a slight correction to the recursive call:

private static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
    XElement xElement;

    if (!xmlDocument.HasElements)
        xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName) { Value = xmlDocument.Value };
        xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName, xmlDocument.Elements().Select(x => RemoveAllNamespaces(x)));

    foreach (var attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())
        if (!attribute.IsNamespaceDeclaration)

    return xElement;

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1310

Another solution that takes into account possibly interleaving TEXT and ELEMENT nodes, e.g.:



using System.Linq;

namespace System.Xml.Linq
    public static class XElementTransformExtensions
        public static XElement WithoutNamespaces(this XElement source)
            return new XElement(source.Name.LocalName,

        public static XAttribute WithoutNamespaces(this XAttribute source)
            return !source.IsNamespaceDeclaration
                ? new XAttribute(source.Name.LocalName, source.Value)
                : default(XAttribute);

        public static XNode WithoutNamespaces(this XNode source)
                source is XElement
                    ? WithoutNamespaces((XElement)source)
                    : source;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 11

Here is my VB.NET version of Dexter Legaspi C# Version

Shared Function RemoveAllNamespaces(ByVal e As XElement) As XElement
        Return New XElement(e.Name.LocalName, New Object() {(From n In e.Nodes Select If(TypeOf n Is XElement, RemoveAllNamespaces(TryCast(n, XElement)), n)), If(e.HasAttributes, (From a In e.Attributes Select a), Nothing)})
End Function

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 102

Here is a regex based solution to this problem...

    private XmlDocument RemoveNS(XmlDocument doc)
        var xml = doc.OuterXml;
        var newxml = Regex.Replace(xml, @"xmlns[:xsi|:xsd]*="".*?""","");
        var newdoc = new XmlDocument();
        return newdoc;

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 401

That will do the trick :-)

foreach (XElement XE in Xml.DescendantsAndSelf())
    // Stripping the namespace by setting the name of the element to it's localname only
    XE.Name = XE.Name.LocalName;
    // replacing all attributes with attributes that are not namespaces and their names are set to only the localname
    XE.ReplaceAttributes((from xattrib in XE.Attributes().Where(xa => !xa.IsNamespaceDeclaration) select new XAttribute(xattrib.Name.LocalName, xattrib.Value)));

Upvotes: 40

Philip Atz
Philip Atz

Reputation: 938

You can do that using Linq:

public static string RemoveAllNamespaces(string xmlDocument)
    var xml = XElement.Parse(xmlDocument);
    xml.Descendants().Select(o => o.Name = o.Name.LocalName).ToArray();
    return xml.ToString();

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 121

And this is the perfect solution that will also remove XSI elements. (If you remove the xmlns and don't remove XSI, .Net shouts at you...)

string xml = node.OuterXml;
//Regex below finds strings that start with xmlns, may or may not have :and some text, then continue with =
//and ", have a streach of text that does not contain quotes and end with ". similar, will happen to an attribute
// that starts with xsi.
string strXMLPattern = @"xmlns(:\w+)?=""([^""]+)""|xsi(:\w+)?=""([^""]+)""";
xml = Regex.Replace(xml, strXMLPattern, "");

Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 19

For attributes to work the for loop for adding attribute should go after recursion, also need to check if IsNamespaceDeclaration:

private static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
    XElement xElement;

    if (!xmlDocument.HasElements)
        xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName) { Value = xmlDocument.Value };
        xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName, xmlDocument.Elements().Select(RemoveAllNamespaces));

    foreach (var attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())
        if (!attribute.IsNamespaceDeclaration)

    return xElement;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 31

Slightly modified Peter's answer, this would works fine for the attribute as well, including remove the namespace and prefix. A bit sorry for the code looks a bit ugly.

 private static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
            if (!xmlDocument.HasElements)
                XElement xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName);
                xElement.Value = xmlDocument.Value;

                foreach (XAttribute attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())
                    xElement.Add(new XAttribute(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value));

                return xElement;

                XElement xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName,  xmlDocument.Elements().Select(el => RemoveAllNamespaces(el)));

                foreach (XAttribute attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())
                    xElement.Add(new XAttribute(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value));

                return xElement;


Upvotes: 3

Konrad Morawski
Konrad Morawski

Reputation: 8404

This is a solution based on Peter Stegnar's accepted answer.

I used it, but (as andygjp and John Saunders remarked) his code ignores attributes.

I needed to take care of attributes too, so I adapted his code. Andy's version was Visual Basic, this is still c#.

I know it's been a while, but perhaps it'll save somebody some time one day.

    private static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
        XElement xmlDocumentWithoutNs = removeAllNamespaces(xmlDocument);
        return xmlDocumentWithoutNs;

    private static XElement removeAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
        var stripped = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName);            
        foreach (var attribute in
                attribute =>
                    !attribute.IsNamespaceDeclaration &&
            stripped.Add(new XAttribute(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value));
        if (!xmlDocument.HasElements)
            stripped.Value = xmlDocument.Value;
            return stripped;
            el =>
        return stripped;

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 21155

I know this question is supposedly solved, but I wasn't totally happy with the way it was implemented. I found another source over here on the MSDN blogs that has an overridden XmlTextWriter class that strips out the namespaces. I tweaked it a bit to get some other things I wanted in such as pretty formatting and preserving the root element. Here is what I have in my project at the moment.


/// <summary>
/// Modified XML writer that writes (almost) no namespaces out with pretty formatting
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref=""/>
public class XmlNoNamespaceWriter : XmlTextWriter
    private bool _SkipAttribute = false;
    private int _EncounteredNamespaceCount = 0;

    public XmlNoNamespaceWriter(TextWriter writer)
        : base(writer)
        this.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;

    public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns)
        base.WriteStartElement(null, localName, null);

    public override void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns)
        //If the prefix or localname are "xmlns", don't write it.
        //HOWEVER... if the 1st element (root?) has a namespace we will write it.
        if ((prefix.CompareTo("xmlns") == 0
                || localName.CompareTo("xmlns") == 0)
            && _EncounteredNamespaceCount++ > 0)
            _SkipAttribute = true;
            base.WriteStartAttribute(null, localName, null);

    public override void WriteString(string text)
        //If we are writing an attribute, the text for the xmlns
        //or xmlns:prefix declaration would occur here.  Skip
        //it if this is the case.
        if (!_SkipAttribute)

    public override void WriteEndAttribute()
        //If we skipped the WriteStartAttribute call, we have to
        //skip the WriteEndAttribute call as well or else the XmlWriter
        //will have an invalid state.
        if (!_SkipAttribute)
        //reset the boolean for the next attribute.
        _SkipAttribute = false;

    public override void WriteQualifiedName(string localName, string ns)
        //Always write the qualified name using only the
        base.WriteQualifiedName(localName, null);


//Save the updated document using our modified (almost) no-namespace XML writer
using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(this.XmlDocumentPath))
using(XmlNoNamespaceWriter xw = new XmlNoNamespaceWriter(sw))
    //This variable is of type `XmlDocument`

Upvotes: 11

Florian D&#252;rrbaum
Florian D&#252;rrbaum

Reputation: 161

Pick it up again, in C# - added line for copying the attributes:

    static XElement stripNS(XElement root)
        XElement res = new XElement(
            root.HasElements ?
                root.Elements().Select(el => stripNS(el)) :

            root.Attributes().Where(attr => (!attr.IsNamespaceDeclaration)));

        return res;

Upvotes: 16


Reputation: 2464

The reply's by Jimmy and Peter were a great help, but they actually removed all attributes, so I made a slight modification:

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Friend Module XElementExtensions

    <Extension()> _
    Public Function RemoveAllNamespaces(ByVal element As XElement) As XElement
        If element.HasElements Then
            Dim cleanElement = RemoveAllNamespaces(New XElement(element.Name.LocalName, element.Attributes))
            cleanElement.Add(element.Elements.Select(Function(el) RemoveAllNamespaces(el)))
            Return cleanElement
            Dim allAttributesExceptNamespaces = element.Attributes.Where(Function(attr) Not attr.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
            Return element
        End If

    End Function

End Module

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 91502

the obligatory answer using LINQ:

static XElement stripNS(XElement root) {
    return new XElement(
        root.HasElements ? 
            root.Elements().Select(el => stripNS(el)) :
static void Main() {
    var xml = XElement.Parse(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?>
    <ArrayOfInserts xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd="""">
        <offer xmlns="""">0174587</offer>
        <type2 xmlns="""">014717</type2>
        <supplier xmlns="""">019172</supplier>
        <id_frame xmlns="""" />
        <type3 xmlns="""">
          <type2 />
        <status xmlns="""">Some state</status>

Upvotes: 28

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