Reputation: 965
I was wondering is there was a way to defined a type with a size parameter in VHDL. e.g.
type count_vector(size: Natural) is unsigned (size-1 downto 0);
and then later on do something like
variable int : count_vector(32) := (others => '0');
variable nibble : count_vector(4) := (others => '0');
Essentially, is there a way to defined an "array-like" type, or is that not allowed by syntax?
I am currently trying to use generics for re-usability, but I would like to be able to take maximal advantage of generic typing (ie: Is it possible to write type-generic entities in VHDL? ).
Thanks in advance!
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Views: 5484
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity foo is
generic (
constant INT_LEFT: natural := 32;
constant NIB_LEFT: natural := 4
-- note entity declarative items are forward looking only
-- a port declaration requires a type or subtype declared in a package
-- you can also use a package for any constants
-- a type or subtype can be declared as an entity declarative item here:
-- subtype int_size is unsigned(INT_LEFT downto 0);
-- subtype nib_size is unsigned(NIB_LEFT downto 0);
end entity;
architecture fum of foo is
-- or as an architecture declarative item here:
subtype int_size is unsigned(INT_LEFT downto 0);
subtype nib_size is unsigned(NIB_LEFT downto 0);
variable int: int_size := (others => '0');
variable nibble: nib_size := (others =>'0');
int := int + 3;
-- the function "+" is L: UNSIGNED, R: NATURAL
-- int_size and nibble_size are subtypes of UNSIGNED
Report integer'IMAGE(TO_INTEGER(int));
-- ditto for TO_INTEGER
nibble := nibble + 2;
-- if int_size or nibble_size were types it would require
-- operator functions for those types.
Report integer'IMAGE(TO_INTEGER(nibble));
end process;
end architecture fum;
This is in response to BennyBarns assertion in a comment on the question: "I would like to add that while you can use n-dimensional arrays in VHDL, only the first one may be unconstrained".
Contrary to the assertion:
entity t1 is
end entity;
architecture foo of t1 is
type typeI is array ( natural range <>, natural range <>) of integer;
process is
variable sigI : typeI(0 to 1, 0 to 1); -- 2D integer array
sigI(0,0) := 1;
sigI(0,1) := 2;
sigI(1,0) := 3;
sigI(1,1) := 4;
report "Initialized indiviually";
report "sigI(0,0) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(0,0));
report "sigI(0,1) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(0,1));
report "sigI(1,0) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(1,0));
report "sigI(1,1) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(1,1));
sigI := ((11,12),(13,14));
report "Initialized as an aggregate";
report "sigI(0,0) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(0,0));
report "sigI(0,1) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(0,1));
report "sigI(1,0) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(1,0));
report "sigI(1,1) = " & integer'IMAGE(sigI(1,1));
end process;
end architecture;
The statement is imprecise and relates in the example subtype declaration to the deferred range constraint in the type declaration of UNSIGNED in package numeric_std. The subtype indication requires a constraint either supplied by the type mark or explicitly. It's only valid for a subtype indication type mark that is an unconstrained type.
A subtype declaration of an unconstrained type must provide a constraint just as if you had added
signal A: unsigned;
as an architecture declarative item to fum of entity foo:
ghdl -a foo.vhdl
foo.vhdl:24:12: declaration of signal "a" with unconstrained array type "unsigned" is not allowed
And just to make things interesting things interface lists can be special:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity fie is
port (
a: in unsigned
end entity;
architecture fee of fie is
process (a)
report "Fie:a range is " & integer'IMAGE(a'LEFT) & " to " &
integer'IMAGE(a'RIGHT) ;
end process;
end architecture fee;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity fie_tb is
end entity;
architecture fum of fie_tb is
component fie is
port (a: in unsigned);
end component;
signal aa: unsigned (3 to 7);
EUT: fie port map (a => aa);
end architecture;
The 'rules' can be found in the LRM section on Index constraints and discrete ranges, IEEE Std 1076-2008, -2002/-1993
Upvotes: 4