Reputation: 719
In the following code I receive the following errors, but I don't understand why is it an error.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Generic (
n: integer := 4
DATA : in std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0);
Shift_In : in std_logic;
Load : in std_logic;
Enable : in std_logic;
CLK : in std_logic;
S : out std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0)
end entity RGSTR_SHFT_N_PARAL_B2;
architecture simple of RGSTR_SHFT_N_PARAL_B2 is
signal temp_S: std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0);
signal LOW0, HIGH1: std_logic; -- Constant Signals
-- Use the D flip flop of B1 excersise
component D_FF_B1 is
Enable : in std_logic;
Load : in std_logic;
Load_Val : in std_logic;
Data_in : in std_logic;
CLK : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic
end component;
p0:process(Enable, CLK) is
-- Initialisations
LOW0 <= '0';
HIGH1 <= '1';
if (Enable = LOW0) then
L0: for i in 0 to (n-1) loop
temp_S(i) <= temp_S(i);
end loop;
elsif (CLK 'event and CLK = HIGH1) then
if (Load = LOW0) then -- Shifter is enabled
L1: for i in 0 to (n-2) loop
temp_S(i) <= temp_S(i+1);
end loop;
temp_S(n-1) <= Shift_In;
else -- Loader is enabled
L2: for i in 0 to (n-1) loop
X1: D_FF_B1 port map(HIGH1, LOW0, LOW0, DATA(i), CLK, temp_S(i));
end loop;
end if;
end if;
L3: for i in 0 to (n-1) loop
S(i) <= temp_S(i);
end loop;
end process p0;
end architecture simple;
Error message:
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at RGSTR_SHFT_N_PARAL_B2.vhd(79) near text "port"; expecting "(", or "'", or "."
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at RGSTR_SHFT_N_PARAL_B2.vhd(79) near text ";"; expecting ":=", or "<="
I compile the VHDL program with Quartus II.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2689
Reputation: 15934
Instantiation of a module in a process
is not legal VHDL syntax, as seen in:
p0:process(Enable, CLK) is
L2: for i in 0 to (n-1) loop
X1: D_FF_B1 port map(HIGH1, LOW0, LOW0, DATA(i), CLK, temp_S(i));
end loop;
end process p0;
Instantiation of a module must be done as concurrent statement outside the process
Based on the code, it looks like it may be possible to move the module instantiation
outside the process
with code that looks something like:
signal temp_S_x1 : std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0);
L2 : for i in 0 to (n-1) generate
X1 : D_FF_B1 port map(HIGH1, LOW0, LOW0, DATA(i), CLK, temp_S_x1(i));
end generate;
p0 : process(Enable, CLK) is
L2: for i in 0 to (n-1) loop
temp_S(n-1) <= temp_S_x1(i);
end loop;
Note that you should declare the constants LOW0
and HIGH1
with constant
instead of signal
, and then remove the LOW0
and HIGH1
assign in p0
constant LOW0 : std_logic := '0';
constant HIGH1 : std_logic := '1';
or simply use '0' and '1' directly instead of declaring any constants.
Also note that the p0
is not a properly formated process for flip
flops, so you will get some additional warnings from Quartus due to missing
signal in sensitivity list. If Enable
is use synchronously, then
use a template like:
p0 : process(Enable, CLK) is
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if (Enable = '0') then
Upvotes: 3