Mr. Nex
Mr. Nex

Reputation: 233

OpenGL Depth Buffer Behaving Not As Expected

I have been working on the beginnings of an engine for educational pursuit and I've run into an OpenGL concept which I THOUGHT I understood, however I cannot explain the behavior I've been observing. The issue is with the Depth Buffer. Also, understand that I have fixed the issue, and at the end of my post I will explain what fixed the problem, however I do not understand why the problem was fixed through my solution. First I initialize GLUT & GLEW:

//Initialize openGL
glutInit(&argc, argv);
//Set display mode and window attributes

//Size and position attributes can be found in constants.h
glutInitWindowPosition(WINDOW_XPOS, WINDOW_YPOS);
//Create window

// Initialize GLEW
glewExperimental = true;

//Initialize Graphics program

Then I initialize my program (Leaving segments out for readability and lack of relevance):

//Remove cursor

//Enable depth buffering
glDepthRange(0.0f, 1.0f)

//Set back color

//Set scale and dimensions of orthographic viewport
//These values can be found in constants.h
//Program uses a right handed coordinate system.

Anything beyond that point just includes initializing various engine components, loading the .obj files, and initializing instances of a ModularGameObject class, attaching the meshes to them, nothing that touches any relevant glut/glew. However, before I go on it may be important to specify the following values:

X_LEFT = -1000;
X_RIGHT = 1000;
Y_DOWN = -1000;
Y_UP = 1000;
Z_NEAR = -0.1;
Z_FAR = -1000;

Which causes my viewport to follow a right handed coordinate system. The final segment of code which seems to be involved in the problem is my vertex shader:

#version 330 core
//Position of vertices in attribute 0
layout(location = 0) in vec4 _vertexPosition;
//Vertex Normals in attribute 1
layout(location = 1) in vec4 _vertexNormal;

//Model transformations
//Uniform location of model transformation matrix
uniform mat4 _modelTransformation;

//Uniform location of camera transformations
//Camera transformation matrix
uniform mat4 _cameraTransformation;
//Camera perspective matrix
uniform mat4 _cameraPerspective;

//Uniform location of inverse screen dimensions
//This is used because GLSL normalizes viewport from -1 to 1
//So any vector representing a position in screen space must be multiplied by this vector before display
uniform vec4 _inverseScreenDimensions;

//Output variables
//Indicates whether a vertex is valid or not, non valid vertices will not be drawn.
flat out int _valid;        // 0 = valid vertex
//Normal to be sent to fragment shader
smooth out vec4 _normal;

void main()
    //Initiate transformation pipeline

    //Transform to world space
    vec4 vertexInWorldSpace = vec4(_modelTransformation *_vertexPosition);

    //Transform to camera space
    vec4 vertexInCameraSpace = vec4(_cameraTransformation * vertexInWorldSpace);

    //Project to screen space
    vec4 vertexInScreenSpace = vec4(_cameraPerspective * vertexInCameraSpace);

    //Transform to device coordinates and store
    vec4 vertexInDeviceSpace = vec4(_inverseScreenDimensions * vertexInScreenSpace);
    //Store transformed vertex
    gl_Position = vertexInScreenSpace;


This code results in all transformations and normal calculations (not included) to be done correctly, however each face of my models constantly fighting to be above all the others. The only time I have no issues is standing inside of the first model being drawn, then nothing flickers and I can view the inside of Suzanne's head just as I should be able to.

After weeks of trying anything I could possibly think of I finally worked my way to a solution which involves changing/adding a mere two lines of code. First, I added this line to the end of my main function in my vertex shader:

gl_Position.z = 0.0001+vertexInScreenSpace.z;

The addition of this line of code caused every bit of z-fighting to go away, except now the depth buffer was completely backwards, vertices further away were being reliably drawn on top of vertices in front. This is my first question, why would this line of code cause more reliable behavior?

Now that I had reliable behavior and no more depth-fighting it was a matter of reversing the draw order, and so I changed my call to glDepthRange to the following:

glDepthRange(1.0f, 0.0f);

I was under the assumption that glDepthRange(0.0f, 1.0f) would cause objects closer to my Z_NEAR (-0.1) to be closer to 0 and objects closer to my Z_FAR(-1000) to be closer to 1. Then, having my Depth Test set to GL_LESS would make perfect sense, matter of fact this should be the case regardless of what my Z_NEAR and Z_FAR are because of the way that glDepthRange maps the values, if I'm not mistaken.

I must be mistaken though, because this line change would mean that objects closer to me would store a value closer to 1 in the depth buffer and objects further would have a value of 0 rendering a backwards draw order- but sure enough it works like a charm.

If anybody can point me in the direction of why my assumptions are wrong and what I could possibly be not factoring into my understanding of glsl and depth buffering. I would rather not move on with progress of my engine until I completely understand the functioning of it's foundation.

Edit: The contents of my _cameraPerspective matrix are as follows: Perspective matrix diagram

AspectX     0           0               0
0           AspectY     0               0
0           0           1               0
0           0         1/focalLength         0

Where AspectX is 16 and AspectY is 9. The focal length defaults to 70, however controls were added to change this during runtime.

Pointed out by derhass, this does not explain how any of the information passed to glOrtho() is taken into account by the shader. The viewport dimensions, due to not using the standard pipeline & matrix stack, are considered with _inverseScreenDimensions. This is a vec4 which contains [1/X_RIGHT, 1/Y_UP, 1/Z_Far, 1]. Or for lack of variable names, [1/1000, 1/1000, -1/1000, 1].

Multiplying the screen coordinates vector by this in my vertex shader results in an X value between -1 and 1, a Y value between -1 and 1, a Z value between 0 and 1 (If the object was in front of the camera it had a negative z coordinate to begin with), and a W of 1.

If I'm not mistaken, this would be the final step to reach "device coordinates", followed by drawing the mesh.

Please keep in mind the original question: I know this is not streamlined, I know I'm not using GLM or all the most often used libraries for this, however my question is not "Hey guys fix this!" My question is: Why was this fixed by the changes I made?

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Views: 2708

Answers (2)


Reputation: 45362

Using the following matrix as projection matrix:

AspectX     0           0               0
0           AspectY     0               0
0           0           1               0
0           0         1/focalLength     0

is going to completely destroy the depth value.

When this is applied to a vector (x,y,z,w)^T, you will get z'=zand w'=z/focalLength as the clip space components. After the perspecive divide, you will end up with a NDC z component of z'/w' which is just focaldepth and completely indepenent of the eye space z value. So you project everything to the same depth which totally explains the behavior you have seen.

This page explains how projection matrices are typically build and especially offers many details of how the z value is mapped.

With the line gl_Position.z = 0.0001+vertexInScreenSpace.z; you actually get some kind of "working" depth since then, the NDC Z coord will be (0.0001+z')/w' which is focalLenght * (1+ 0.0001/z) and finally at least a function of eye space z, as it should be. One could caluclate what near and far values that mapping actually would procude, but carrying out that calculation is quite pointless for this answer. You should make yourself familiar with the math for compuer graphic projections, especiallly linaer algebra and projective spaces.

The reason why the depth test is inverted is due to the fact that your projection matrix does negate the z coordinates. Usually, the view matrix is constructed in such a way that the viewing direction is -z, and the projection matrix has (0 0 -1 0) as the last row, while you have (0 0 1/focalLength 0), which basically multiplies z by -1 in effect.

Upvotes: 1

Richard Critten
Richard Critten

Reputation: 2145

Near and Far are the distance of the near and far planes in the direction you are looking and therefore should usually both be positive numbers. Negative numbers would put the clipping planes behind the view origin, this is probably not what you want.

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