Reputation: 23
I'm using ISE 14.7 and i'm trying to create design with some 1-bit-wide distributed RAM blocks.
My memory declaration:
type tyMemory is array (0 to MEMORY_NUM - 1) of std_logic_vector(MEMORY_SIZE - 1 downto 0) ;
signal Memory: tyMemory := ( others => (others => '0')) ;
attribute ram_style : string ;
attribute ram_style of Memory : signal is "distributed" ;
My code:
MemoryGen : for i in 0 to MEMORY_NUM - 1 generate
process( CLK )
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if CE = '1' then
DataOut(i) <= Memory(i)(Addr(i)) ;
Memory(i)(Addr(i)) <= DataIn(i) ;
end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
end generate ;
After synthesis i get this warning:
WARNING:Xst:3012 - Available block RAM resources offer a maximum of two write ports.
You are apparently describing a RAM with 16 separate write ports for signal <Memory>.
The RAM will be expanded on registers.
How can i forse xst to use distributed memory blocks with size=ARRAY_LENGTH and width=1?
I can create and use separate memory component(and is works), but i need more elegant solution.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 427
Reputation: 16221
This should inferre 16 one bit wide BlockRAMs:
architecture ...
attribute ram_style : string;
subtype tyMemory is std_logic_vector(MEMORY_SIZE - 1 downto 0) ;
genMem : for i in 0 to MEMORY_NUM - 1 generate
signal Memory : tyMemory := (others => '0');
attribute ram_style of Memory : signal is "block";
if rising_edge(clk) then
if CE = '1' then
Memory(Addr(i)) <= DataIn(i) ;
DataOut(i) <= Memory(Addr(i)) ;
end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
end generate ;
end architecture;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4374
You need to create an entity that describes a variable length 1-bit wide memory, then use a generate statement to create an array of these. While what you have done would provide the functionality you are asking for in a simulator, most FPGA tools will only extract memory elements if your code is written in certain ways.
You can find documentation on what code Xilinx ISE tools will understand as a memory element by selecting the appropriate document for your device here . Look under 'HDL Coding techniques'.
Note that if your memory length is large, you will not be able to get maximum performance from it without adding manual pipelining. I think you will get a synthesis message if your memory exceeds the intended useful maximum length for distributed memories. Assuming you are using a Spartan 6 device, you can find information on what the useful supported distributed memory sizes are here: page 52.
Upvotes: 1