
Reputation: 157

vhdl std_logic not declared error

I'm keep getting this annoying error that the std_logic is not declared. I don't know why am I getting this error because I have included all necessary libraries. here's my code and the errors.

     ---------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------
          -- Company: 
          -- Engineer: 
-- Create Date:    15:26:41 08/23/2015 
-- Design Name: 
-- Module Name:    Deficit-Round_Robbin_algorithem - Behavioral 
-- Project Name: 
-- Target Devices: 
-- Tool versions: 
-- Description: 
-- Dependencies: 
-- Revision: 
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments: 
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
package TwoDArray is
  Type array_integer is array(1 to 6) of integer range 0 to 6;
end package TwoDArray;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

  entity Deficit_Round_Robbin_algorithem is

Quantom:integer range 0 to 256:=2;
Num_queues:integer:=5 ;
clk,axi_resetn,m_axis_tready:in std_logic;
--packet_size:in array_integer range 0 to Num_queues+1;
--fifo_out_tlast,empty:in std_logic_vector(Num_queues - 1 downto 0);
--depth_of_fifo:in integer range 0 to Num_queues+1;
--rd_en:out std_logic_vector(Num_queues - 1 downto 0);
pkt_fwd:out std_logic
end Deficit_Round_Robbin_algorithem;

architecture Behavioral of Deficit_Round_Robbin_algorithem is
--signal cur_queue,cur_queue_next,cur_queue_plus1:integer range 0 to Num_queues-1:=0;
--signal pkt_fwd_next:std_logic:='0'; 
--signal Drr_counter:array_integer ;
--subType STATE_TYPE is bit_vector (1 downto 0);
--signal next_state,state:STATE_TYPE :="00"; --00 start state
--constant Idle:STATE_TYPE:="00";
--constant WR_PKT:STATE_TYPE:="01";
--cur_queue_plus1<=0 when cur_queue=Num_queues-1 else cur_queue + 1;
--Drr_counter[cur_queue]<=Drr_counter[cur_queue] + Quantom;
--Medvedev_state_diagram:process(state,cur_queue,empty,m_axis_tready,fifo_out_tlast,depth_of_fifo) is
--      cur_queue_next  <= cur_queue;
--      rd_en           <= (others =>'0');
--      pkt_fwd_next    <= '0';
--      case state is
--      when Idle=> if(empty[cur_queue]='0') then
--                          if(m_axis_tready) then
--                              if(Drr_counter[cur_queue] >= packet_size[cur_queue]) then
--                                  next_state<= WR_PKT;
--                                  rd_en[cur_queue] <= '1';
--                                  pkt_fwd_next <= '1';
--                              end if;
--                          end if;
--                      else
--                      cur_queue_next <= cur_queue_plus1;
--                      end if;
--                      end case;
--end process;

end Behavioral;

My errors

ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "I:\xilinx\Deficit-Round_Rrobbin\Deficit-Round_Robbin_algorithem.vhd" Line 42: <std_logic> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "I:\xilinx\Deficit-Round_Rrobbin\Deficit-Round_Robbin_algorithem.vhd" Line 47: <std_logic> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:854 - "I:\xilinx\Deficit-Round_Rrobbin\Deficit-Round_Robbin_algorithem.vhd" Line 34: Unit <deficit_round_robbin_algorithem> ignored due to previous errors.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:374 - "I:\xilinx\Deficit-Round_Rrobbin\Deficit-Round_Robbin_algorithem.vhd" Line 51: Entity <deficit_round_robbin_algorithem> is not yet compiled.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 16087

Answers (1)


Reputation: 366

Use clauses (library declarations) are actually part of library unit declarations (package, entity, configuration, etc) in VHDL. They do not apply globally to all library units declared in a file.

So in your case, the use clause to import the IEEE libraries at the top of your file are only applied to the package TwoDArray. You'll need to redefine the libraries that apply to Deficit_Round_Robbin_algorithem after the package declaration.

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
package TwoDArray is
  Type array_integer is array(1 to 6) of integer range 0 to 6;
end package TwoDArray;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

library IEEE;
library work;
use work.TwoDArray.all;

entity Deficit_Round_Robbin_algorithem is

Edit: Added TwoDArray package to entity's use clause as per comments.

Upvotes: 7

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