Reputation: 47
In verilog for only this line of code its showing simulation output
#( parameter width=1, length=16 )
(* ram_style = "block" *)
reg [(width)-1:0] mem[(1<<length)-1:0];
2)but for the below line it is not showing simulation output
#( parameter width=8, length=16 )
(* ram_style = "block" *)
reg [(2*width)-1:0] mem[(1<<length)-1:0];
Explain why 2nd set of code is not showing simulation results? actually I want store 8 bits of min 65535 filter coefficients.. I want to read and write .. please guide me in this...
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Views: 677
Reputation: 20514
A model of a RAM might look some thing like the code below, to write to it it is just a mater of sequencing the wr_addr, wr_data and wr_en.
module ram #(
parameter DATA_W = 8,
parameter DATA_D = 256
) (
input clk,
input rst_an,
input [0:$clog2(DATA_D)] rd_addr,
input [0:$clog2(DATA_D)] wr_addr,
input [0:DATA_W-1] wr_data,
input wr_en,
output [0:DATA_W-1] rd_data
reg [0:DATA_W-1] ram_data [0:DATA_D-1];
always @* begin
rd_data = ram_data[rd_addr];
always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_an) begin
if (~rst_an) begin
for(int i = 0; i<DATA_D ; i++) begin
ram_data[i] <= 'b0 ;
else begin
if (wr_en) begin
ram_data[wr_addr] <= wr_data ;
for(int i = 0; i<DATA_D ; i++)
is system verilog syntax.
for plain verilog declare integer i
then replace the for loop with :
for(i = 0; i<DATA_D ; i=1+1)
clog2 : is used to get the address width required for the given depth.
If you want a depth of 4, you need 2 bits to address it. Depth of 16, 4 bits to address, ie
log2( 4) => 2
log2(16) => 4
If you use non-powers of two you want to round up or ceiling
log2(5) => 2.32192809489
clog2(5) => 3
Therefore clog2 is very useful to get the required addressing width from the depth of the RAM.
Upvotes: 1