Reputation: 305
I am trying to colour ribbons in ggplot2. When using geom_ribbon, I am able to specify ymin and ymax and a fill color. What it now does is coloring everything that is between ymin and ymax with no regard to upper Limit or lower Limit.
Example (modified from Internet):
# Generate data (level2 == level1)
huron <- data.frame(year = 1875:1972, level = as.vector(LakeHuron), level2 = as.vector(LakeHuron))
# Change Level2
huron[1:50,2] <- huron[1:50,2]+100
huron[50:90,2] <- huron[50:90,2]-100
h <- ggplot(huron, aes(year))
h +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level, ymax = level2), fill = "grey80") +
geom_line(aes(y = level)) + geom_line(aes(y=level2))
I'd like to fill the area, where (ymin > ymax), with a different colour than where (ymin < ymax). In my real data I have export and import values. There, I'd like to color the area where export is higher than import green, where import is bigger than export I want the ribbon to be red.
Alternative: I'd like geom_ribbon to only fill the area, where ymax > ymin.
Does anybody know how this is done?
Thanks for your help.
Upvotes: 20
Views: 49989
Reputation: 299
Inspired by this solved question there is a pretty neat way to solve this, which only requires the use of the pmin()
function within the geom_ribbon()
h +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level, ymax = pmin(level, level2), fill = "lower")) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level2, ymax = pmin(level, level2), fill = "higher")) +
geom_line(aes(y = level)) + geom_line(aes(y=level2))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 10232
The above solutions didnt work for me as I had data with multiple intersections, this is what helped me.
This solution introduces a function that interpolates the dataset slightly, namely the intersections are interpolated with the fill_data_gaps()
# finds the intercept between two lines.
# note that C and D are fixed to the same x coords as A and B
find_intercept <- function(x1, x2, y1, y2, l1, l2) {
d <- (x1 - x2) * ((l1 - l2) - (y1 - y2))
a <- (x1*y2 - x2*y1)
b <- (x1*l2 - x2*l1)
px <- (a*(x1 - x2) - (x1 - x2)*b) / d
py <- (a*(l1 - l2) - (y1 - y2)*b) / d
list(x = px, y = py)
fill_data_gaps <- function(data, xvar, yvar, levelvar) {
xv <- deparse(substitute(xvar))
yv <- deparse(substitute(yvar))
lv <- deparse(substitute(levelvar))
data <- data %>% arrange({{xvar}}) # not needed?
grp <- ifelse(data[[yv]] >= data[[lv]], "up", "down")
sp <- split(data, cumsum(grp != lag(grp, default = "")))
# calculate the intersections
its <- lapply(seq_len(length(sp) - 1), function(i) {
lst <- sp[[i]] %>% slice(n())
nxt <- sp[[i + 1]] %>% slice(1)
it <- find_intercept(x1 = lst[[xv]], x2 = nxt[[xv]],
y1 = lst[[yv]], y2 = nxt[[yv]],
l1 = lst[[lv]], l2 = nxt[[lv]])
it[[lv]] <- it[["y"]]
setNames(as_tibble(it), c(xv, yv, lv))
# insert the intersections at the correct values
for (i in seq_len(length(sp))) {
dir <- ifelse(mean(sp[[i]][[yv]]) > mean(sp[[i]][[lv]]), "up", "down")
if (i > 1) sp[[i]] <- bind_rows(its[[i - 1]], sp[[i]]) # earlier interpolation
if (i < length(sp)) sp[[i]] <- bind_rows(sp[[i]], its[[i]]) # next interpolation
sp[[i]] <- sp[[i]] %>% mutate(.dir = dir)
# combine the values again
Create some fake data
N <- 10
data <- tibble(
year = 2000:(2000 + N),
value = c(100, 100 + cumsum(rnorm(N))),
level = c(100, 100 + cumsum(rnorm(N)))
#> # A tibble: 11 x 3
#> year value level
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2000 100 100
#> 2 2001 99.3 99.1
#> 3 2002 98.0 100.
#> 4 2003 99.0 99.4
#> 5 2004 99.1 99.0
#> 6 2005 99.2 98.1
#> 7 2006 101. 98.6
#> 8 2007 101. 99.2
#> 9 2008 102. 98.7
#> 10 2009 103. 98.1
#> 11 2010 103. 98.4
data2 <- fill_data_gaps(data, year, value, level)
#> # A tibble: 15 x 4
#> year value level .dir
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 2000 100 100 up
#> 2 2001 99.3 99.1 up
#> 3 2001. 99.2 99.2 up
#> 4 2001. 99.2 99.2 down
#> 5 2002 98.0 100. down
#> 6 2003 99.0 99.4 down
#> 7 2004. 99.1 99.1 down
#> 8 2004. 99.1 99.1 up
#> 9 2004 99.1 99.0 up
#> 10 2005 99.2 98.1 up
#> 11 2006 101. 98.6 up
#> 12 2007 101. 99.2 up
#> 13 2008 102. 98.7 up
#> 14 2009 103. 98.1 up
#> 15 2010 103. 98.4 up
Note that we have more rows with interpolated values (eg rows 3, 4, 7, 8).
Then we can use ggplot2::geom_ribbon()
as usual/expected.
ggplot(data2, aes(x = year)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level, ymax = value, fill = .dir)) +
geom_line(aes(y = value)) +
geom_line(aes(y = level), linetype = "dashed") +
scale_fill_manual(name = "Dir", values = c("up" = "green", "down" = "red"))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3947
Getting around the issue I had with non-interpolated fill
, you can use two (or n
) ribbons
h <- ggplot() +
geom_ribbon(data = huron[huron$level >= huron$level2, ], aes(x = year, ymin = level, ymax = level2), fill="green") +
geom_ribbon(data = huron[huron$level <= huron$level2, ], aes(x = year, ymin = level, ymax = level2), fill="red") +
geom_line(data = huron, aes(x = year, y = level)) +
geom_line(data = huron, aes(x = year, y = level2))
Any condition you use in aes(fill =
is going to coerce it to a factor, so it seems to only apply where the data actually is. I don't think this is a ggplot2
bug, I think this is expected behaviour.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 3947
An option that doesn't require manually creating another column would be to do the logic within aes(fill =
## fill dependent on level > level2
h +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level, ymax = level2, fill = level > level2)) +
geom_line(aes(y = level)) + geom_line(aes(y=level2)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("red", "green"), name="fill")
Or, if you only want to fill based on that condition being true,
## fill dependent on level > level2, no fill otherwise
h +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level, ymax = level2, fill = ifelse(level > level2, TRUE, NA))) +
geom_line(aes(y = level)) + geom_line(aes(y=level2)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("green"), name="fill")
I assume the lack of interpolated fill seems to have something to do with the ggplot2
version, as I get the same thing happening with @beetroot's code
## @beetroot's answer
huron$id <- 1:nrow(huron)
huron$group <- ifelse(huron$id <= 50, "A", "B")
h <- ggplot(huron, aes(year))
h +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level, ymax = level2, fill = group)) +
geom_line(aes(y = level)) + geom_line(aes(y = level2))
I get @ManuK's image output when running that code without logic in aes(fill =
Upvotes: 24
Reputation: 10131
You can add a grouping variable to the data that you can use to specify the fill colour. However, the problem is the point where the two lines intersect as it needs to be included in both groups to prevent any gaps.
So first find this row..
huron[huron$level == huron$level2,]
> huron[huron$level == huron$level2,]
year level level2
50 1924 577.79 577.79
And add it to the data once more:
huron <- rbind(huron, huron[huron$year == 1924,])
huron <- huron[order(huron$year),]
Then add an id column based on the row index, and set the groups based on the row number of the year 1924:
huron$id <- 1:nrow(huron)
huron$group <- ifelse(huron$id <= 50, "A", "B")
h <- ggplot(huron, aes(year))
h +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = level, ymax = level2, fill = group)) +
geom_line(aes(y = level)) + geom_line(aes(y = level2))
Upvotes: 8