
Reputation: 309

ROCR error: Format of predictions is invalid

After getting my predictions from glmnet, I am trying to use "prediction" function, in "ROCR" package, to get tpr, fpr, etc but get this error:

pred <- prediction(pred_glmnet_s5_3class, y)
Error in prediction(pred_glmnet_s5_3class, y) : 
Format of predictions is invalid.

I have output both glmnet predictions and labels and they look like they are in similar format and hence I don't understand what is invalid here.

The code is as follows and input can be found here input. It is a small dataset and should not take much time to run.

sensor6data_s5_3class <- read.csv("/home/sensei/clustering /sensor6data_f21_s5_with3Labels.csv")
sensor6data_s5_3class <- within(sensor6data_s5_3class, Class <- as.factor(Class))
sensor6data_s5_3class$Class2 <- relevel(sensor6data_s5_3class$Class,ref="1")

inTrain_s5_3class <- createDataPartition(y = sensor6data_s5_3class$Class, p = .75, list = FALSE)
training_s5_3class <- sensor6data_s5_3class[inTrain_s5_3class,]
testing_s5_3class <- sensor6data_s5_3class[-inTrain_s5_3class,] 
y <- testing_s5_3class[,22]

ctrl_s5_3class <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 10 , savePredictions = TRUE)
model_train_glmnet_s5_3class <- train(Class2 ~ ZCR + Energy + SpectralC + SpectralS + SpectralE + SpectralF + SpectralR + MFCC1 + MFCC2 + MFCC3 + MFCC4 + MFCC5 + MFCC6 + MFCC7 + MFCC8 + MFCC9 + MFCC10 + MFCC11 + MFCC12 + MFCC13, data = training_s5_3class, method="glmnet", trControl = ctrl_s5_3class)
pred_glmnet_s5_3class = predict(model_train_glmnet_s5_3class, newdata=testing_s5_3class, s = "model_train_glmnet_s5_3class$finalModel$lambdaOpt")

pred <- prediction(pred_glmnet_s5_3class, y)

Appreciate your help!

Upvotes: 7

Views: 28985

Answers (1)

Weihuang Wong
Weihuang Wong

Reputation: 13128

The main problem is that prediction takes "a vector, matrix, list, or data frame" for both predictions and labels arguments. Even though pred_glmnet_s5_3class and y look like vectors, they are not, e.g.

sapply(c(is.vector, is.matrix, is.list, is.data.frame), do.call, list(y))

In fact, they are factors (which can be seen from e.g. class(y)), and ?is.vector informs us to

Note that factors are not vectors; ‘is.vector’ returns ‘FALSE’ and ‘as.vector’ converts a factor to a character vector for ‘mode = "any"’.

We can convert both objects to numeric:

pred <- prediction(as.numeric(pred_glmnet_s5_3class), as.numeric(y))
#   Number of classes is not equal to 2.
# ROCR currently supports only evaluation of binary classification tasks.

Unfortunately, it produces a different problem which is beyond the scope of this question.

Upvotes: 15

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