Reputation: 11
I am trying to verify the RISC-V DUT with 32bit integer set instruction which is available at they have their inputs stored in memory as a hex file @ vscale/src/test/inputs/ ( from the above link). I would like to verify my set of instructions for which i need them to be in the hex format . For example my set of instructions are ( just mentioning briefly) ADD SW LW SUB
I would like to convert these set of instructions in hex format so that I can verify its functionality. Could anyone help me out on how to go about .... would be really helpful.
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Views: 4110
Reputation: 165
I need the same job and find the way. I am sharing that maybe others can benefit.
First, you should have riscv-gnu-toolchain to make the compilation and decompilation process. It can be found here.
The instructions that you mentioned are assembly. So, you can compile by riscv64-unknown-elf-as
and disassemble by riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump
. The instructions used to get hex are below.
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ ls
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ cat code
addi x1,x2,123
xor x3,x2,x1
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ /opt/riscv/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-as code
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ /opt/riscv/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -D --section .text a.out
a.out: file format elf64-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000000 <.text>:
0: 07b10093 add ra,sp,123
4: 00000013 nop
8: 001141b3 xor gp,sp,ra
you can extract the hex part yourself by using scripts. **
** The other way is implemented by using other compiler tools. The commands are below.
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ ls
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ cat code
addi x1,x2,123
xor x3,x2,x1
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ /opt/riscv/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-as code
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ /opt/riscv/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary a.out a.bin --strip-debug
omerguzel@omerguzel-HP:~/temp$ od -t x4 -An -w4 -v a.bin
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 94465
vscale/src/test/inputs have several hex inputs with similar format: 32 hex chars per line (16 bytes, 4 of 4-byte words) and 8192 lines. For example:
Such files are loaded by testbench module in verilog with $readmemh
module vscale_hex_tb();
localparam hexfile_words = 8192;
initial begin
$value$plusargs("max-cycles=%d", max_cycles);
$value$plusargs("loadmem=%s", loadmem);
$value$plusargs("vpdfile=%s", vpdfile);
if (loadmem) begin
$readmemh(loadmem, hexfile);
for (i = 0; i < hexfile_words; i = i + 1) begin
for (j = 0; j < 4; j = j + 1) begin
DUT.hasti_mem.mem[4*i+j] = hexfile[i][32*j+:32];
// $vcdplusmemon();
#100 reset = 0;
end // initial begin
The $readmemh
is documented in
reads hexadecimal data. Data has to exist in a text file. White space is allowed to improve readability, as well as comments in both single line and block. The numbers have to be stored as ... hexadecimal values. The basic form of a memory file contains numbers separated by new line characters that will be loaded into the memory.
The test inputs are used to initialize embedded memory DUT.hasti_mem.mem
To work with such files you should know the memory map used in this testbench. Some parts of the memory may be not the instructions, but data and some initialization vectors. If you want to disassemble some of files, convert hex into binary (there are parsers for perl or you can write converter in other language or use verilog's $writememb
to convert). Then add header of any binary format supported by your riscv disassembler, like elf for riscv objdump, or no any header for radare2 ( with riscv support.
Upvotes: 1