Reputation: 260
Im trying to implement a simple ring oscillator for an ice40 FPGA using yosys
(0.7) as follows:
module ringosc(input clkin,
output out);
(* keep="true" *)
wire [100:0] ring;
assign ring[100:1] = ~ring[99:0];
assign ring[0] = ~ring[100];
assign out = ring[0];
However, it seems to get optimized away even though I am using the keep
attribute. I can see this in the yosys log output:
7.14.2. Executing OPT_EXPR pass (perform const folding).
Replacing $_NOT_ cell `$auto$$292' (double_invert) in module `\lfsr' with constant driver `\trng.ring [62] = \trng.ring [60]'.
Replacing $_NOT_ cell `$auto$$293' (double_invert) in module `\lfsr' with constant driver `\trng.ring [63] = \trng.ring [59]'.
Replacing $_NOT_ cell `$auto$$294' (double_invert) in module `\lfsr' with constant driver `\trng.ring [64] = \trng.ring [58]'.
Replacing $_NOT_ cell `$auto$$295' (double_invert) in module `\lfsr' with constant driver `\trng.ring [65] = \trng.ring [57]'.
Replacing $_NOT_ cell `$auto$$296' (double_invert) in module `\lfsr' with constant driver `\trng.ring [66] = \trng.ring [56]'.
Replacing $_NOT_ cell `$auto$$297' (double_invert) in module `\lfsr' with constant driver `\trng.ring [67] = \trng.ring [55]'.
Replacing $_NOT_ cell `$auto$$298' (double_invert) in module `\lfsr' with constant driver `\trng.ring [68] = \trng.ring [54]'.
How can I prevent yosys
from doing this?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 580
Reputation: 8245
Instantiate logic cells manually, like it is done in this example project: [Archive]
wire [99:0] buffers_in, buffers_out;
assign buffers_in = {buffers_out[98:0], chain_in};
assign chain_out = buffers_out[99];
assign chain_in = resetn ? !chain_out : 0;
SB_LUT4 #(
) buffers [99:0] (
(The project is from this video I made in 2015:
Upvotes: 3