Reputation: 101
design 8-bit adder-subtractor using Verilog.
op=0 --> A+B (add)
op=1 --> A-B (subtract)
i tried to do -87-(-116)=29
I insert testbench #10 A=-8'b10101001; B=-8'b10001100; op=1;
However, Verilog is Negative recognition failed. And Originally result should print 00011101, but result print wrong value 1110 0011
How can i fix this problem?
Below is my code
module addsub8 ( A ,B ,mode ,result ,overflow );
output [7:0] result ;
wire [7:0] result ;
output overflow ;
wire overflow ;
input [7:0] A ;
wire [7:0] A ;
input [7:0] B ;
wire [7:0] B ;
input mode ;
wire mode ;
//}} End of automatically maintained section
// -- Enter your statements here -- //
wire B0;
wire B1;
wire B2;
wire B3;
wire B4;
wire B5;
wire B6;
wire B7;
wire C0;
wire C1;
wire C2;
wire C3;
wire C4;
wire C5;
wire C6;
wire C7;
xor(B0, B[0], mode);
xor(B1, B[1], mode);
xor(B2, B[2], mode);
xor(B3, B[3], mode);
xor(B4, B[4], mode);
xor(B5, B[5], mode);
xor(B6, B[6], mode);
xor(B7, B[7], mode);
fa U0(A[0],B0,mode,C0,result[0]);
fa U1(A[1],B1,C0,C1,result[1]);
fa U2(A[2],B2,C1,C2,result[2]);
fa U3(A[3],B3,C2,C3,result[3]);
fa U4(A[4],B4,C3,C4,result[4]);
fa U5(A[5],B5,C4,C5,result[5]);
fa U6(A[6],B6,C5,C6,result[6]);
fa U7(A[7],B7,C6,C7,result[7]);
xor (overflow,C6,C7);
module fa ( A ,B ,Cin ,Cout ,S );
output Cout ;
output S ;
input A ;
wire A ;
input B ;
wire B ;
input Cin ;
wire Cin ;
reg Cout;
reg S;
//}} End of automatically maintained section
// -- Enter your statements here -- //
always @(A or B or Cin) begin
case ({A,B,Cin})
0: begin Cout=0; S=0; end
1: begin Cout=0; S=1; end
2: begin Cout=0; S=1; end
3: begin Cout=1; S=0; end
4: begin Cout=0; S=1; end
5: begin Cout=1; S=0; end
6: begin Cout=1; S=0; end
7: begin Cout=1; S=1; end
Upvotes: 0
Views: 13332
Reputation: 20514
The code works fine for me in EDA Playground
I guess that your issue is that you check the result immediately and do not allow any time for the result to propagate.
#10 A=-8'd87; B=8'b116; op=0;
Check answer
allowing at least 1 time step allows a combinatorial answer to propagate:
#10 A=-8'd87; B=8'b116; op=0;
Check answer
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6259
1/ If you wan to work with negative numbers like -A and if you want 8'b10101001 to be seen as a negative number use signed vectors:
input signed [7:0] A ;
wire signed [7:0] A ;
I quickly scanned your code and I see only standard (unsigned) vectors.
2/ Do not mess about with one bit full adders, just use the language:
assign R = A + B;
Upvotes: 1