Reputation: 529
The foldr identity is
foldr (:) []
More generally, with folds you can either destroy structure and end up with a summary value or inject structure in such a way that you end up with the same output structure.
[Int] -> [Int]
[Int] -> Int
[Int] -> ?
I'm wondering if there a similar identity with unfoldr/l.
I know how to get
Int -> [Int]
with unfold/ana.
I'm looking for some kind of way to go from
Int -> Int
with a recursion scheme.
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Views: 367
Reputation: 34398
Taking a cue from your remark about factorials, we can note that natural numbers can be treated as a recursive data structure:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
In terms of the recursion-schemes machinery, the corresponding base functor would be:
data NatF a = ZeroF | SuccF a
deriving (Functor)
, however, is isomorphic to Maybe
. That being so, recursion-schemes conveniently makes Maybe
the base functor of the Natural
type from base. For instance, here is the type of ana
specialised to Natural
ana @Natural :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Natural
We can use it to write the identity unfold for Natural
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Numeric.Natural
import Data.Functor.Foldable
idNatAna :: Natural -> Natural
idNatAna = ana $ \case
0 -> Nothing
x -> Just (x - 1)
The coalgebra we just gave to ana
is project
for Natural
, project
being the function that unwraps one layer of the recursive structure. In terms of the recursion-schemes vocabulary, ana project
is the identity unfold, and cata embed
is the identity fold. (In particular, project
for lists is uncons
from Data.List
, except that it is encoded with ListF
instead of Maybe
By the way, the factorial function can be expressed as a paramorphism on naturals (as pointed out in the note at the end of this question). We can also implement that in terms of recursion-schemes:
fact :: Natural -> Natural
fact = para $ \case
Nothing -> 1
Just (predec, prod) -> prod * (predec + 1)
makes available, at each recursive step, the rest of the structure to be folded (if we were folding a list, that would be its tail). In this case, I have called the value thus provided predec
because at the n
-th recursive step from bottom to top predec
is n - 1
Note that user11228628's hylomorphism is probably a more efficient implementation, if you happen to care about that. (I haven't benchmarked them, though.)
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1526
The kind of recursion scheme that deals with building up an intermediate structure and tearing it down, so that the structure doesn't appear in the input or output, is a hylomorphism, spelled hylo
in recursion-schemes
To use a hylomorphism, you need to specify an algebra (something that consumes one step of a recursive structure) and a coalgebra (something that produces one step of a recursive structure), and you need to have a data type for the kind of structure you're using, of course.
You suggested factorial, so let's look into how to write that as a hylomorphism.
One way to look at factorial is as the product of a list of numbers counting down from the initial n
. In this framing, we can think of the product as our algebra, tearing down the list one cons at a time, and the count-down as our coalgebra, building up the list as n
is decremented.
gives us ListF
as a handy base functor for lists, so we'll use that as the data type produced by the coalgebra and consumed by the algebra. Its constructors are Nil
and Cons
, which of course resemble the constructors for full lists, except that a ListF
, like any base structure in a recursion scheme, uses a type parameter in the place that lists would use actual recursion (meaning that Cons :: a -> b -> ListF a b
instead of (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
So that determines our types. Now defining fact
is a rather fill-in-the-blanks exercise:
import Prelude hiding (product)
import Data.Functor.Foldable
product :: ListF Int Int -> Int
product Nil = 1
product (Cons a b) = a * b
countDown :: Int -> ListF Int Int
countDown 0 = Nil
countDown n = Cons n (n - 1)
fact :: Int -> Int
fact = hylo product countDown
Upvotes: 3