Reputation: 1484
I have this AST data structure
data AST = Integer Int
| Let String AST AST
| Plus AST AST
| Minus AST AST
| Times AST AST
| Variable String
| Boolean Bool
| Lambda String AST Type Type
| Application AST AST
| Quot AST AST
| Negate AST
and this evaluation code:
eval :: AST -> AST
eval = cata go where
go :: ASTF (AST) -> AST
go (LetF var e e') = eval $ substVar (var, e) e'
go (PlusF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (n + m)
go (MinusF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (n - m)
go (TimesF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (n * m)
go (QuotF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (quot n m)
go (RemF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (rem n m)
go (IfF (Boolean b) e e') = if b then e else e'
go (ApplicationF (Lambda var e _ _) e') = eval $ substVar (var, e') e
go (AndF (Boolean b) (Boolean b')) = Boolean (b && b')
go (OrF (Boolean b) (Boolean b')) = Boolean (b || b')
go (NegateF (Boolean b)) = Boolean (not b)
go (EqF e e') = Boolean (e == e')
go (NeqF e e') = Boolean (e /= e')
go (LeqF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n <= m)
go (GeqF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n >= m)
go (LtF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n < m)
go (GtF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n > m)
go astf = embed astf
I feel like there should be away to remove the explicit recursion for 'let' and application, but I'm not sure exactly which recursion scheme I should reach for. Which recursion scheme(s) can be used to remove recursion in this case and similar cases and do you have any good ways of identifying situations where said recursion scheme is applicable?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 249
Reputation: 3924
Continuing on the evalSubsts
approach from @li-yao-xia, let's try to add lambdas and applications to our language. We start by extending AST
data AST
| Lam Id AST
But, how do we write our LamF
case in evalSubst
go (LamF x e) s = ???
We want our lambdas to be statically (lexically) scoped, so we need to keep around the environment s
, but we also can't possibly apply an environment to e
yet because we don't know what the value for x
should be. We're in a bind!
The solution here is to recognize that, while AST
is a great representation for our input, it is not a great representation for the output. Indeed, it's a bit of a coincidence that input Int
s and output Int
s both happen to share the same structure, and for lambdas, perhaps they shouldn't. So, we can make a new output representation:
data Val
= IntV Int
| LamV (Val -> Val)
type Sub = [(Id, Val)]
The key here is that LamV
is a function, not simply some data. With this, we can finish our definition of evalSubsts
evalSubsts :: AST -> Sub -> Val
evalSubsts = cata go where
go (LetF x e e') s = e' ((x, e s) : s)
go (VarF x) s = fromJust (lookup x s)
go (IntF n) _ = IntV n
go (LamF x e) s = LamV $ \xVal -> e ((x, xVal) : s)
go (AppF lam e) s =
let (LamV f) = lam s in f (e s)
go (PlusF e e') s =
let (IntV n, IntV m) = (e s, e' s) in
IntV (n + m)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 33519
isn't directly expressible as a catamorphism because eval (Let x e e')
applies eval
to subst (x, eval e) e'
, which is not a subterm of Let x e e'
or e'
). Instead, consider the composition of eval
and substitution. If you generalize substitution subst
to substitute many variables at once with substs
, then you can get the following equation:
(eval . substs s) (Let x e e')
= eval (Let x (substs s e) (substs s e'))
= (eval . subst (x, (eval . substs s) e) . substs s) e'
-- by (subst xe . substs s) = substs (xe : s)
= (eval . substs ((x, (eval . substs s) e) : s)) e'
where we do have a function of the form (eval . substs _)
applied to both subterms e
and e'
. In order to account for the parameter of substs
, you can use cata
with an F-algebra where the carrier is a function ASTF (Sub -> AST) -> Sub -> AST
, then you get to pass a different substitution Sub
to each subterm.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
type Id = String
data AST
= Let Id AST AST
| Var Id
| Int Int
| Plus AST AST
type Sub = [(Id, AST)]
makeBaseFunctor ''AST
evalSubsts :: AST -> Sub -> AST
evalSubsts = cata go where
go (LetF x e e') s = e' ((x, e s) : s)
go (VarF x) s = fromJust (lookup x s)
go (IntF n) _ = Int n
go (PlusF e e') s =
let (Int n, Int m) = (e s, e' s) in
Int (n + m)
-- Or this:
-- go (PlusF e e') = liftA2 plus e e'
-- where plus (Int n) (Int m) = Int (n + m)
eval :: AST -> AST
eval e = evalSubsts e []
Another way to think of evalSubsts
is as an evaluator using an environment, mapping variables to values. Then to bind a variable, rather than to do a substitution, is just to insert its value in the environment, which gets looked up once you reach a Var
Upvotes: 5