Reputation: 145
I am modelling a JK FLIP Flop using Verilog. I am getting the output q
as x
in all the cases. I used case
statement for various jk combinations. I hardly found any issue with the code.
module jk_ff ( input j, input k, input clk, output q);
reg q;
always @ (posedge clk)
case ({j,k})
2'b00 : q <= q;
2'b01 : q <= 1'b0;
2'b10 : q <= 1'b1;
2'b11 : q <= ~q;
test bench
module tb_jk;
reg j;
reg k;
reg clk;
always #5 clk = ~clk;
jk_ff jk0 ( .j(j),
initial begin
j <= 0;
k <= 0;
#5 j <= 0;
k <= 1;
#20 j <= 1;
k <= 0;
#20 j <= 1;
k <= 1;
#20 $finish;
$monitor ("j=%0d k=%0d q=%0d", j, k, q);
vu2swz@PPDP01:~$ iverilog jk_ff.v
vu2swz@PPDP01:~$ ./a.out
VCD info: dumpfile test.vcd opened for output.
j=0 k=0 q=x
j=0 k=1 q=x
j=1 k=0 q=x
j=1 k=1 q=x
The output is showing only x
instead of 0 1 and Q.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 373
Reputation: 62236
When I ran your simulation and looked at waveforms, I saw that clk
was always unknown (x
). You declared clk
as reg
, which means that it defaults to x
. Your assignment (clk = ~clk
) does not change the value of clk
because ~clk
evaluates to ~x
, which is still x
You need to initialize clk
to a known value in your testbench. For example, change:
reg clk;
reg clk = 0;
This shows:
j=0 k=0 q=x
j=0 k=1 q=x
j=0 k=1 q=0
j=1 k=0 q=0
j=1 k=0 q=1
j=1 k=1 q=1
j=1 k=1 q=0
There are 2 ways to debug this problem. As I mentioned, one way is to look at waveforms; you already create the VCD file. This is the most efficient way. The iverilog
site says GTKWave "is the preferred waveform viewer for Icarus Verilog".
Another way is to add the clk
signal to your $monitor
$monitor ("j=%0d k=%0d q=%0d clk=%b", j, k, q, clk);
Then you would have seen:
j=0 k=0 q=x clk=x
j=0 k=1 q=x clk=x
j=1 k=0 q=x clk=x
j=1 k=1 q=x clk=x
Upvotes: 1