Reputation: 13
I want to read data from ROM at each clock cycle. I have the program for ROM as below
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module ROM (clk,rd,addr,data);
input wire [5:0]addr;
output reg[1:0] data;
reg[1:0] rom [0:39];
input wire rd,clk;
initial begin
$readmemb ("own1.mem",rom);
always @(posedge clk) begin
data <= rom[addr];
The addr is not incrementing, so that I need to read one data each time. How do I do that? I have attached the simulation result.
can the clock process can be modified as
always @(posedge clk)
count =addr;
assign count_next =count +1;
counter <=count_next;
data <= rom[counter];
will this work?? to increment address and access data at each clock edge??
module tb_ROM;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg rd;
reg [5:0] addr;
wire [5:0] temp,counter;
// Outputs
wire [1:0] data;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
ROM uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 1;
rd = 1;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
always #5 clk=~clk;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1174
Reputation: 62236
In your testbench, you can add another always
block to increment the address:
always @(posedge clk) addr <= addr + 1;
Or, that can be added in the design module instead, if that is the goal.
Upvotes: 1