Reputation: 1
I have two dataframes with acession numbers, and I want to substitute the values in a single column acession dataframe with the values from the type column.
First dataframe:
ï Year source type strain sample identifier
21 15 2009 human DT8 DT8 ERS007592 C0110
22 75 2004 duck DT30 S06281-04 ERS015643 S06281-04
23 76 2009 duck DT30 S04178-09 ERS015644 S04178-09
24 81 2005 chicken DT36 S03433-05 ERS015648 S03433-05
25 95 1996 duck DT9 12342-1996 ERS015661 12342-1996
26 96 2001 duck DT9 4300-2001 ERS015662 4300-2001
code acession level1 level2 level3
21 5103_5_3 ERR024405 1 1 2
22 5391_2_7 ERR028639 1 1 2
23 5391_2_8 ERR028640 1 1 2
24 5505_1_1 ERR029213 1 1 2
25 5505_2_3 ERR029229 1 1 2
26 5505_2_4 ERR029230 1 1 2
Second dataframe:
ï Year source type strain sample
67 29 NA <NA> DT102 3193-1995 ERS015603
68 35 2001 pig DT108 547-2001 ERS015613
69 39 1999 pig DT104A 7302-1999 ERS015607
70 44 1996 cattle DT108 10984-1996 ERS015612
71 51 1998 pig DT120 4284-1995 ERS015619
72 61 1997 environment DT167 8721-1997 ERS015629
identifier code acession level1 level2 level3
67 3193-1995 5386_5_11 ERR028272 2 4 11
68 547-2001 5386_6_10 ERR028283 2 4 11
69 7302-199 5386_6_4 ERR028287 2 4 11
70 10984-1996 5386_6_9 ERR028292 2 4 11
71 4284-1995 5386_7_5 ERR028300 2 4 11
72 8721-1997 5386_8_4 ERR028311 2 4 11
Dataframe whose values should be substituted:
1 ERR028314
2 ERR028313
3 ERR028300
4 ERR028635
5 ERR028292
6 ERR028312
How do I achieve this in R?
I'm newish to R and I can't seem to find a source that's specific to my problem
Upvotes: -1
Views: 30
Reputation: 79261
bind df1 and df2 to one data frame. Add a column with the name of the data frame. Check with an ifelse statement your condition:
bind_rows(list(df1 = df1, df2 = df2), .id = "source_df") %>%
mutate(acession = ifelse(acession %in% df3$tree.tip.label, type, acession))
source_df study.identifier Year source type strain sample identifier code acession level1 level2 level3
21 df1 15 2009 human DT8 DT8 ERS007592 C0110 5103_5_3 ERR024405 1 1 2
22 df1 75 2004 duck DT30 S06281-04 ERS015643 S06281-04 5391_2_7 ERR028639 1 1 2
23 df1 76 2009 duck DT30 S04178-09 ERS015644 S04178-09 5391_2_8 ERR028640 1 1 2
24 df1 81 2005 chicken DT36 S03433-05 ERS015648 S03433-05 5505_1_1 ERR029213 1 1 2
25 df1 95 1996 duck DT9 12342-1996 ERS015661 12342-1996 5505_2_3 ERR029229 1 1 2
26 df1 96 2001 duck DT9 4300-2001 ERS015662 4300-2001 5505_2_4 ERR029230 1 1 2
67 df2 29 NA <NA> DT102 3193-1995 ERS015603 3193-1995 5386_5_11 ERR028272 2 4 11
68 df2 35 2001 pig DT108 547-2001 ERS015613 547-2001 5386_6_10 ERR028283 2 4 11
69 df2 39 1999 pig DT104A 7302-1999 ERS015607 7302-199 5386_6_4 ERR028287 2 4 11
70 df2 44 1996 cattle DT108 10984-1996 ERS015612 10984-1996 5386_6_9 DT108 2 4 11
71 df2 51 1998 pig DT120 4284-1995 ERS015619 4284-1995 5386_7_5 DT120 2 4 11
72 df2 61 1997 environment DT167 8721-1997 ERS015629 8721-1997 5386_8_4 ERR028311 2 4 11
df1 <- structure(list(study.identifier = c(15L, 75L, 76L, 81L, 95L,
96L), Year = c(2009L, 2004L, 2009L, 2005L, 1996L, 2001L), source = c("human",
"duck", "duck", "chicken", "duck", "duck"), type = c("DT8", "DT30",
"DT30", "DT36", "DT9", "DT9"), strain = c("DT8", "S06281-04",
"S04178-09", "S03433-05", "12342-1996", "4300-2001"), sample = c("ERS007592",
"ERS015643", "ERS015644", "ERS015648", "ERS015661", "ERS015662"
), identifier = c("C0110", "S06281-04", "S04178-09", "S03433-05",
"12342-1996", "4300-2001"), code = c("5103_5_3", "5391_2_7",
"5391_2_8", "5505_1_1", "5505_2_3", "5505_2_4"), acession = c("ERR024405",
"ERR028639", "ERR028640", "ERR029213", "ERR029229", "ERR029230"
), level1 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), level2 = c(1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L), level3 = c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("21",
"22", "23", "24", "25", "26"))
df2 <- structure(list(study.identifier = c(29L, 35L, 39L, 44L, 51L,
61L), Year = c(NA, 2001L, 1999L, 1996L, 1998L, 1997L), source = c("<NA>",
"pig", "pig", "cattle", "pig", "environment"), type = c("DT102",
"DT108", "DT104A", "DT108", "DT120", "DT167"), strain = c("3193-1995",
"547-2001", "7302-1999", "10984-1996", "4284-1995", "8721-1997"
), sample = c("ERS015603", "ERS015613", "ERS015607", "ERS015612",
"ERS015619", "ERS015629"), identifier = c("3193-1995", "547-2001",
"7302-199", "10984-1996", "4284-1995", "8721-1997"), code = c("5386_5_11",
"5386_6_10", "5386_6_4", "5386_6_9", "5386_7_5", "5386_8_4"),
acession = c("ERR028272", "ERR028283", "ERR028287", "ERR028292",
"ERR028300", "ERR028311"), level1 = c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2L), level2 = c(4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L), level3 = c(11L,
11L, 11L, 11L, 11L, 11L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("67",
"68", "69", "70", "71", "72"))
df3 <- structure(list(tree.tip.label = c("ERR028314", "ERR028313", "ERR028300",
"ERR028635", "ERR028292", "ERR028312")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1",
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))
Upvotes: 0