Reputation: 852
I have to load ROM from file. Quartus can use .mif
files directly and for the simulator I have written (a quick and dirty) .mif
file parser with the help of textio. Is there a way to detect Synthesizer tools (Quartus in my case) and to generate textio file loader process only if it is not being compiled by the Synthesizer tool?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1562
Reputation: 3730
You can detect the synthesis tool by using a pragma that is only accepted by your specific synthesis tool. For example, you can write:
constant isQuartus : std_logic := '1'
-- altera translate_off
and '0'
-- altera translate_on
This constant will be '1'
only if you synthesize this using Altera's Quartus.
More about the various VHDL metacomment pragma's at:
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 3375
Are you trying to infer ROMs from your code? If you're using the LPM functions, everything should "just work".
I use ROMs in Quartus and ModelSim without issue. Just create a custom VHDL file for your ROM using the MegaWizard plugin and direct it to the appropriate initialization file, or directly instantiate an altsyncram component and include the init_file generic.
Then compile or simulate as normal. I have had no problems running simulations using ModelSim (Altera version or stand-alone version) with initialized ROMs, and have not had to write any initialization code to read *.mif or *.hex files.
For reference, here is a directly instantiated ROM megafunction from a bit of my code that simulates properly in ModelSim (note the init_file generic):
-- Sine lookup table
sine_lut : altsyncram
generic map (
clock_enable_input_a => "BYPASS",
clock_enable_output_a => "BYPASS",
init_file => "./video/sine_rom-512x8.mif",
intended_device_family => "Arria GX ",
lpm_hint => "ENABLE_RUNTIME_MOD=NO",
lpm_type => "altsyncram",
numwords_a => 512,
operation_mode => "ROM",
outdata_aclr_a => "NONE",
outdata_reg_a => "UNREGISTERED",
widthad_a => 9,
width_a => 8,
width_byteena_a => 1
port map (
-- Read port
clock0 => clk,
address_a => sine_addr,
q_a => sine_do
If you really need to do something different when simulating vs. synthesizing, there are a several ways to go about it. For simple things, you can use something like the following directives:
--synthesis translate-off
<code for simulation only>
--synthesis translate-on
You should be able to find a lot of real-world examples of these directives via internet search, and I've included one example below (power-on reset is shorter when simulating vs. when running in real hardware):
-- Async. Power-on Reset, with de-assertion delay
process (clk)
if rising_edge (clk) then
-- Create a delay at power-up
if rst_PowerOn='1' then
rst_pora <= '1';
rst_por_cnt <= (others=>'0');
-- synthesis translate_off
elsif rst_por_cnt(5)='1' then -- 256 nS in simulation
rst_pora <= '0';
-- synthesis translate_on
elsif rst_por_cnt(19)='1' then -- 4ms in real hardware
rst_pora <= '0';
rst_por_cnt <= rst_por_cnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
For more complex situations, use your imagination. Some folks use the C pre-processor, the M4 macro language, or something similar as a preliminary build step prior to synthesis/simulation. I have makefiles and scripts that convert FileName.sim.vhdl (for simulation) into FileName.vhdl (for synthesis), processing it with some text utilities to comment/un-comment various blocks of code based on rules I crafted so I could maintain both versions in a single file (think something like an enhanced C pre-processor tweaked for use with VHDL). Just do something that fits with your workflow and team dynamics/culture.
Upvotes: 3