Reputation: 21924
I am trying to make a simple mux in verilog from a decoder with an enable, but for some reason when I try to use the decoder within my mux with the enable locked to 1, I get an error.
module DECODER(out1, out2, out3, out4, A, B, enable);
`define NOT not #50
`define AND and #50
input A, B, enable;
output out1, out2, out3, out4;
wire notA, notB, val1, val2, val3, val4;
`NOT first (notA, A);
`NOT second (notB, B);
`AND firstEval(val1, notA, notB);
`AND secondEval(val2, notA, B);
`AND thirdEval(val3, A, notB);
`AND fourthEval(val4, A,B);
`AND firstOutput(out1, val1, enable);
`AND secondOutput(out2, val2, enable);
`AND thirdOutput(out3, val3, enable);
`AND fourthOutput(out4, val4, enable);
module MUX (out, A, B, C, D, select1, select2);
`define AND and #50
`define OR or #50
output out;
input A,B,C,D,select1,select2;
wire selectA, selectB, selectC, selectD, firstOr, secondOr, andA, andB, andC, andD;
DECODER decoderModule(selectA, selectB, selectC, selectD, select1, select2,TRUE);
`AND checkA(andA, selectA, A);
`AND checkB(andB, selectB, B);
`AND checkC(andC, selectC, C);
`AND checkD(andD, selectD, D);
`OR firstStep(firstOr, andA, andB);
`OR secondStep(secondOr, firstOr, andC);
`OR throughPut(out, secondOr, selectD);
module TEST;
reg A,B,C,D, select1, select2;
wire out;
A = 1; B = 1; C = 1; D = 1; select1 = 0; select2 = 0;
#300 A = 0;
#300 A = 1;
#300 select1 = 1;
#300 B = 0;
#300 B = 1;
#300 select2 = 1;
#300 D = 0;
#300 D = 1;
#300 select1 = 0;
#300 C = 0;
#300 C = 1;
MUX UUT(out, A,B,C,D,select1,select2);
$monitor($time, ,out, , A,B,C,D,select1,select2);
When I run the simulation I get the following error:
# ** Warning: (vsim-3015) C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1c/win32pe_edu/Mux.v(9): [PCDPC] - Port size (1 or 1) does not match connection size (32) for port 'enable'. The port definition is at: C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1c/win32pe_edu/Decoder.v(1).
Any help on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I may be misunderstanding something about how Verilog uses static values.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2193
In your code, TRUE looks like an implicit wire declaration but I'm not sure why Modelsim thinks it is 32 bits. You can prevent these with a preprocessor directive.
`default_nettype none
Also, you should consider using parameters for constants since they are limited in scope.
parameter TRUE = 1'b1;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 62236
You have not provided a definition of the TRUE
signal. I have replaced your TRUE
with 1'b1
and now the simulation runs better:
DECODER decoderModule(selectA, selectB, selectC, selectD, select1, select2, 1'b1);
Undeclared signals default to 1'bx
in most simulators.
Alternately, you could declare TRUE
as a wire
in your MUX
wire TRUE = 1'b1;
Upvotes: 3