Reputation: 419
I have the following problem:
I have a PC which gives inputs to my SPARTAN 3AN FPGA and I wish to fetch those inputs, put them in a std_logic_vector, then convert them into integer. The instructions are divided in "n" instructions with 32 bits each. I need the first three bits be put in one integer, the next 28 in another, and the last is a "Last instruction flag". So, I have two arrays of 100 integers in which I would be putting the instructions (100 is the limit). If the "Last instruction flag" is one, than the entire operation should stop.
The program didn't synthesize properly, so I made a simulation of it. And I found the problem, but I don't know how to solve it, so I need your help. Here is the code and the simulation output:
library IEEE;
entity BinaryDecimalConv is
end BinaryDecimalConv;
architecture Behavioral of BinaryDecimalConv is
type int_array is array (100 downto 0) of integer;
signal clkcnt: integer :=0;
signal fbaud: integer;
signal lastnumflag: std_logic:='0';
signal clk: std_logic;
signal PLCinput: std_logic;
signal init: std_logic;
signal BusyIN: std_logic;
signal BusyOutSignal: std_logic;
signal InnerBusyOut: std_logic;
signal cnt: integer :=0;
signal fbaut: integer :=0;
signal pre_int: std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal pre_spec_num: int_array := (others =>0);
signal cylinder: int_array := (others => 0);
signal InnerNumLength: integer:=0;
signal num_length: integer:=0;
CLOCKK: Process is
wait for 10 ns;
wait for 10 ns;
end process CLOCKK;
fbaud <=5208;
BusyIN <='0';
init <='0';
PLC: Process is
variable PrePLC: std_logic_vector(159 downto 0):="1010101010101010101010101001010010101010101010101010101010010100101010101010101010101010100101001010101010101010101010101001010010101010101010101010101010010101"; -- 1 with 100, 5 with 200, 5 2ith 200, 3 with 300, 4 with 750
PrePLC:= PrePLC(158 downto 1) & '0';
wait for 104166 ns;
end process;
LastNum: process (LastNumFlag) is
if LastNumFlag = '1' then
BusyOutSignal <='1';
InnerBusyOut <='1';
BusyOutSignal <='0';
InnerBusyOut <='0';
end if;
end process LastNum;
DecoderAndAcquirer: process (PLCinput, BusyIN, InnerBusyOut,clk) is
if (clk'event and clk='1') then -- If rising edge on clock
if ((BusyIN='0') and (InnerBusyOut='0') and (init='0')) then -- Check if FPGA and PLC are ready to exchange information and if init is done
if (clkcnt = fbaud/2) then -- If clkcnt is equal to half of the duration of the input bit then
pre_int(31) <= PLCinput; -- Initialize the last digit of pre_int
cnt <= cnt+1; -- Incrementing cnt => going towards bit 2
clkcnt <=clkcnt+1; -- Incrementing clkcnt so you can exit this block
if (cnt<32) then -- Checking if not last bit
pre_int <= '0' & pre_int(31 downto 1); -- If not last bit, shift number to right
else -- else
cnt <=0; -- reset cnt to start with next instruction
if (pre_int(0)='1') then -- Check if last digit is one
LastNumFlag <= '1'; -- If last digit is one, stop acquiring instructions
LastNumFlag <='0';
end if;
pre_spec_num(InnerNumLength) <= to_integer(unsigned(pre_int(28 downto 1))); -- Conversion from binary to decimal for instruction
cylinder(InnerNumLength) <= to_integer(unsigned(pre_int(31 downto 29))); -- Conversion from binary to decimal for the number of cylinder
InnerNumLength <= InnerNumLength +1; -- Incrementing the number of instructions
num_length <= InnerNumLength;
end if;
elsif (clkcnt = fbaud) then -- If clkcnt has reached the entire length of the input bit
clkcnt <= 0; -- set clkcnt to zero so the process can start from beginning.
else -- If clkcnt is less than or more than half of the entire duration, but surely
clkcnt <= clkcnt +1; -- less than the entire duration, then increment the value of the clkcnt.
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process DecoderAndAcquirer;
end Behavioral;
The thing is that, as shown on the picture, when cnt changes, nothing happens to the 31st bit of the instruction. Any ideas why?
Thanks, Bojan
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Views: 1061
Reputation: 15924
First PrePLC := PrePLC(158 downto 1) & '0';
mismatches length, so I assume
this is to be PrePLC := PrePLC(158 downto 0) & '0';
instead, thus working as
shift register.
In process DecoderAndAcquirer of the code there is:
pre_int(31) <= PLCinput;
if (cnt<32) then
pre_int <= '0' & pre_int(31 downto 1);
So even through pre_int(31)
is assigned, it is later overwritten in the
pre_int <= '0' & pre_int(31 downto 1);
since (cnt<32)
, whereby the
pre_int(31) cant go high yet.
When simulating longer time, cnt goes to 32, and then the an '1' value is shown at pre_int(31); se figure below.
Edited: Below is version with temporary variable for pre_int, just to show the principles; operation is not verified.
DecoderAndAcquirer: process (PLCinput, BusyIN, InnerBusyOut,clk) is
variable pre_int_v : std_logic_vector(pre_int'range);
if (clk'event and clk='1') then -- If rising edge on clock
pre_int_v := pre_int; -- Variable update from signal
if ((BusyIN='0') and (InnerBusyOut='0') and (init='0')) then -- Check if FPGA and PLC are ready to exchange information and if init is done
if (clkcnt = fbaud/2) then -- If clkcnt is equal to half of the duration of the input bit then
pre_int_v(31) := PLCinput; -- Initialize the last digit of pre_int
cnt <= cnt+1; -- Incrementing cnt => going towards bit 2
clkcnt <=clkcnt+1; -- Incrementing clkcnt so you can exit this block
if (cnt<32) then -- Checking if not last bit
pre_int_v := '0' & pre_int_v(31 downto 1); -- If not last bit, shift number to right
else -- else
cnt <=0; -- reset cnt to start with next instruction
if (pre_int_v(0)='1') then -- Check if last digit is one
LastNumFlag <= '1'; -- If last digit is one, stop acquiring instructions
LastNumFlag <='0';
end if;
pre_spec_num(InnerNumLength) <= to_integer(unsigned(pre_int_v(28 downto 1))); -- Conversion from binary to decimal for instruction
cylinder(InnerNumLength) <= to_integer(unsigned(pre_int_v(31 downto 29))); -- Conversion from binary to decimal for the number of cylinder
InnerNumLength <= InnerNumLength +1; -- Incrementing the number of instructions
num_length <= InnerNumLength;
end if;
elsif (clkcnt = fbaud) then -- If clkcnt has reached the entire length of the input bit
clkcnt <= 0; -- set clkcnt to zero so the process can start from beginning.
else -- If clkcnt is less than or more than half of the entire duration, but surely
clkcnt <= clkcnt +1; -- less than the entire duration, then increment the value of the clkcnt.
end if;
end if;
pre_int <= pre_int_v; -- Signals update from variable
end if;
end process DecoderAndAcquirer;
Figure with waveform is shown below.
Upvotes: 1