Reputation: 16081
I am having trouble with running a Verilog project with ModelSim Student Edition 10.2c. Everything compiles without error, however I get the following error at runtime:
# vsim -gui work.testbench
# Loading work.testbench
# Loading work.circuit1_assign
# ** Error: (vsim-3033) C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/circuit1_assign.v(14): Instantiation of 'OR' failed. The design unit was not found.
# Region: /testbench/c
# Searched libraries:
# C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/hw4
# ** Error: (vsim-3033) C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/circuit1_assign.v(16): Instantiation of 'NOT' failed. The design unit was not found.
# Region: /testbench/c
# Searched libraries:
# C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/hw4
# ** Error: (vsim-3033) C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/circuit1_assign.v(18): Instantiation of 'AND' failed. The design unit was not found.
# Region: /testbench/c
# Searched libraries:
# C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/hw4
# Loading work.t1
# Error loading design
I have no idea what this means. I think this is a simple mistake I am making, but I cannot resolve it. Does anybody know what I can do so that my project will work?
I believe this has to do with the inability to include the file where AND
, OR
and NOT
are defined. After googling, I found that the file modelsim.ini
must be placed in the project directory. However, I have placed modelsim.ini
in the correct directory, yet it still does not work.
I have posted all three source files for my project (which is simply testing a combinational circuit). Here is my code for circuit1_assign.v:
module circuit1_assign
input x,
input y,
input z,
output f
wire w1, w2;
OR o1 (.i0(x), .i1(y), .o(w1));
NOT n1 (.i2(z), .o(w2));
AND a1 (.i3(w1), .i4(w2), .o(f));
Here is code for a test:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module t1
output reg a,
output reg b,
output reg c
a = 0; //Do all combinations of possible input values
b = 0;
c = 0;
#10 a = 0;
#10 b = 0;
#10 c = 1;
#10 a = 0;
#10 b = 1;
#10 c = 0;
#10 a = 0;
#10 b = 1;
#10 c = 1;
#10 a = 1;
#10 b = 0;
#10 c = 0;
#10 a = 1;
#10 b = 0;
#10 c = 1;
#10 a = 1;
#10 b = 1;
#10 c = 0;
#10 a = 1;
#10 b = 1;
#10 c = 1;
#10 $finish;
Here is my code for the testbench:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module testbench();
wire l, m, n, o;
circuit1_assign c
.x (l),
.y (m),
.z (n),
.f (o)
t1 t
.a (l),
.b (m),
.c (n)
$monitor ($time,,"l=%b, m=%b, n=%b, o=%b",
l, m, n, o);
Upvotes: 5
Views: 6738
Reputation: 35943
Have you tried using lowercase gates (and
, or
, etc)?
In every example of gate level modelling in verilog I have seen these primitives in lowercase, not uppercase.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 3465
Your circuit1_assign is instantiating other modules called OR, NOT, AND. The tools are looking for those modules, but it cannot find them, so it throws an error. If you want to use those modules, you'll need to create them yourself. Otherwise, you can use assign statements in Verilog to accomplish your goal. You can change circuit1_assign to this:
assign w1 = x | y;
assign w2 = ~z; //I think this is right?
assign f = w1 & w2;
Upvotes: 1