Reputation: 63
I'm working on a tic tac toe program, and for some reason when I'm trying to print a 3x3 board it won't work. I have to print a 4x4 board instead. The way the program is supposed to work is that we're supposed to enter a row then a column it then prints either a X or O at those coordinates, but like I said... it won't work for a 3x3 board. Whenever I enter row 3 or column 3 it says that the coordinates are out of range... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
def playTicTacToe():
rows,cols = 4,4
winLength = 3
board = makeNewBoard(rows, cols)
moves = 0
player = 1
while (moves < rows*cols):
row,col = getMove(board, player)
board = setPiece(board, row, col, player)
if (didWin(board, player, winLength)):
print getPieceLabel(player), " WINS!!!"
player = otherPlayer(player)
moves += 1
print "TIE GAME!!!!"
def makeNewBoard(rows, cols): return [([0]*cols) for row in xrange(rows)]
def getRows(board): return len(board)
def getCols(board): return len(board[0])
def getPiece(board, row, col): return board[row][col]
def setPiece(board, row, col, value):
board[row][col] = value
return board
def isEmpty(board, row, col):
return (getPiece(board, row, col) == 0)
def isOnBoard(board, row, col):
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
return ((row >= 0) and (row < rows) and
(col >= 0) and (col < cols))
def getPieceLabel(piece):
if (piece == 1): return "X"
elif (piece == 2): return "O"
else: return "-"
def printBoard(board):
print "\n**************************"
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
for row in xrange(rows):
for col in xrange(cols):
piece = getPiece(board, row, col)
label = getPieceLabel(piece)
print label,
def didWin(board, player, winLength):
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
for startRow in xrange(rows):
for startCol in xrange(cols):
if (didWin1(board, player, winLength, startRow, startCol)):
return True
return False
def didWin1(board, player, winLength, startRow, startCol):
for drow in xrange(-1,+2):
for dcol in xrange(-1,+2):
if ((drow != 0) or (dcol != 0)):
if (didWin2(board, player, winLength,
startRow, startCol, drow, dcol)):
return True
return False
def didWin2(board, player, winLength,
startRow, startCol, drow, dcol):
rows = getRows(board)
cols = getCols(board)
for step in xrange(winLength):
row = startRow + step*drow
col = startCol + step*dcol
if (not isOnBoard(board, row, col)):
return False
elif (getPiece(board, row, col) != player):
return False
return True
def otherPlayer(player):
return 1 if (player == 2) else 2
def oops(msg):
print " ", msg, "Try again."
def readInt(prompt):
while (True):
return int(raw_input(prompt))
oops("Input must be an integer.")
def getMove(board, player):
while (True):
print "Enter move for player", getPieceLabel(player)
row = readInt(" Row --> ")
col = readInt(" Col --> ")
if (not isOnBoard(board, row, col)):
oops("Out of range (not on the board)!")
elif (not isEmpty(board, row, col)):
oops("Already occupied!")
return (row, col)
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Views: 751
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I've tried it out with just changing the second line to:
rows,cols = 3,3
I did this in a python 2.7 interpreter and it's fine! Did you forget that Python uses the indexes 0, 1 and 2 instead of 1, 2 and 3?
Use 0 in place of 1 Use 1 in place of 2 Use 2 in place of 3
You could try and make it so that the game uses 1, 2 and 3 to make it more user-friendly, good luck! :)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2698
You should be using a value less than what you enter as index because in python and most of the othe languages indexing starts from 0
and in getMove()
function use this instead
row = readInt(" Row --> ")-1
col = readInt(" Col --> ")-1
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 8346
When you enter 3 for row or column, you are calling
isOnBoard(board, 3, 3)
which calls
rows = getRows(board)
which sets rows to 3
which causes
(row < rows)
to evaluate to false
You want to decrement row and col to comply with Python's zero-based indexing
Upvotes: 2