Reputation: 1367
I'm attempting to create an I2C bus for testing as part of my attempt to program a DVI Ch7301c.
I'm supplying it with test data, however, when I try and transmit the data values hex 77, it throws this warning:
Pack:2574 - The F7 multiplexer symbol
"I2C_Master/Mmux_bit_cnt[2]_DAT_WR[7]_Mux_45_o_2_f7" and its I1 input driver
"I2C_Master/Mmux_bit_cnt[2]_DAT_WR[7]_Mux_45_o_3" were implemented
suboptimally in the same slice component. The function generator could not be
placed directly driving the F7 multiplexer. The design will exhibit
suboptimal timing.
After narrowing it down, it seems to be thrown in the case statement, but only when sending the value value hex 77. Additionally, I can send the value hex 77 elsewhere in the case statement, just not in the when counter <= 3
What does this warning signify, and why does it appear to strike only the apparently random value of hex 77.
My code is below - I haven't added the code for the I2C_Master module as it doesn't appear to be responsible for the error.
Thanks very much!
library IEEE;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity I2CBus is
SYSCLK_N : IN STD_LOGIC; --system 200MHz differential clock
BTN : IN STD_LOGIC; -- to manually change reset
SCL_cpy : OUT STD_LOGIC; --SCL & SDA lines
end I2CBus;
architecture Behavioral of I2CBus is
component IIC_Master is
Generic(input_clock : integer; --system clock
bus_clock : integer);
RESET_N : in STD_LOGIC; --Active low
ENA : in STD_LOGIC; --Enable active high
ADR : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0); --target address
RW : in STD_LOGIC; --read low, write high
REG : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); --target register
DAT_WR : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); --data to write to slave
DAT_RD : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); --data to read from slave
BUSY : out STD_LOGIC; --high when busy
SCL : inout STD_LOGIC; --serial clock of i2C bus
SDA : inout STD_LOGIC; --serial data on bus
ACK_ERR : buffer STD_LOGIC); --flag if wrong ack from slave
end component;
component DCM
SYSCLK_P : in std_logic; -- Clock in ports 200MHz differential
SYSCLK_N : in std_logic;
-- Clock out ports
SYSCLK : out std_logic --300 MHz clock out
end component;
-----Clock signals -------------
signal sysclk : std_logic; --300 mhz system clock
----Internal Signals------------
signal ack_err : std_logic; --error from dvi slave
signal busy : std_logic; --is I2C master busy?
signal slave_dout : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --data out from slave
signal reset_n : std_logic; --reset low
signal i2c_wr : STD_LOGIC; --R/W value to send
signal i2c_wdata : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); --data to send
signal i2c_regdata : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); --target register
--------Instantiate DCM------------------
DCM_Clks : DCM
port map( -- Clock in ports
SYSCLK_P => SYSCLK_P, --Map input clocks directly
-- Clock out ports
---Instantiate I2C Bus Driver-------------
I2C_Master : IIC_Master
Generic map(input_clock => 300000000, --system clock
bus_clock => 300000000 / 16)
Port map(CLOCK => sysclk, --300 MHz system clock (runs at 1/8th that)
RESET_N => RESET_N, --get reset from dvi initialiser
ENA => '1', --enable signal from above
ADR => "1010110", --target DVI address straight from input
RW => i2c_wr, --get R/W from initialiser
DAT_WR => i2c_wdata, --data to write from initialiser
REG => i2c_regdata, -- target register
DAT_RD => open, --data read from DVI device (inactive at present)
BUSY => busy, --I2C finished writing
SCL => SCL, -- output straight to SCL
SDA => SDA, -- output straight to SDA
ACK_ERR => ack_err); --flag if wrong ack from slave
reset_proc : process(sysclk)
variable counter : integer range 0 to 4;
variable edge : boolean; --used to detect busy falling edge
if rising_edge(sysclk) then
if busy = '1' then
edge := true; --next '0' will be an edge
end if;
if busy = '0' and edge and counter < 3 then
counter := counter + 1; --increment counter
edge := false; --reset edge
end if;
case counter is
when 0 =>
i2c_wr <= '0'; --set to write
i2c_regdata <= x"AA"; --send new target register
i2c_wdata <= x"99"; --send new write data
when 1 =>
i2c_regdata <= x"FF";
i2c_wdata <= x"55";
when 2 =>
i2c_regdata <= x"BB";
i2c_wdata <= x"77"; --WARNING occurs here when sending x"77"
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end process;
reset_n <= not BTN; --reset process;
SDA_cpy <= SDA; --copy SDA & SCL to observable pins
SCL_cpy <= SCL;
end Behavioral;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 404
Reputation: 16211
Have a look into the Spartan-6 CLB Guide and you'll find two F7 mux and a F8 mux.
The LUT of your FPGA can implement every boolean 6-input function ("F6"). If a 7-input function is needed, two LUT6 and a F7MUX are used to map this function into the CLB.
An 8-input function needs four LUT6 two F7MUX and one F8MUX.
The timing is slower than a LUT6 but faster than a LUT tree.
The warning is emitted to remind you to describe functionality with a low input count. If you change your code or some constants, it's possible that optimizations could not find a compact 6 input function anymore.
Upvotes: 2