Reputation: 476
I am trying to make a component that uses a generic type. Inside this component I would like to be able to use functions that have previously been defined for these types. Consider the following example:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package generic_type_pkg is
function increment(x: unsigned) return unsigned;
function increment(x: signed) return signed;
end package;
package body generic_type_pkg is
function increment(x: unsigned) return unsigned is
return x + 1;
end function increment;
function increment(x: signed) return signed is
return x + 1;
end function increment;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library common;
use common.generic_type_pkg.all;
entity generic_type is
type type_t
clk : in std_logic;
din : in type_t;
dout : out type_t
architecture rtl of generic_type is
if rising_edge(clk) then
dout <= increment(din);
end if;
end process;
I use the following code to instantiate this component:
i_generic_type: entity common.generic_type(rtl)
generic map(
type_t => unsigned
port map(
clk => clk,
din => din,
dout => dout
If I compile this with questasim I get the following error:
** Error: */generic_type.vhd(52): (vcom-1600) No feasible entries for subprogram "increment". Visible subprograms are: (explicit) generic_type_pkg.increment[UNSIGNED return UNSIGNED] at */generic_type.vhd(6) (explicit) generic_type_pkg.increment[SIGNED return SIGNED] at ***/generic_type.vhd(8)
The book VHDL-2008 Just the new stuff states that I need to supply a generic function to the entity. By adding function increment ( x: type_t) return type_t
to the generics I am able to resolve the compilation error. I am unhappy with this because this implies that I need to pass every function to I want to use to this component (for example increment, decrement, mult, shift, ...). This will quickly become unmaintainable.
Is there a way to have these generic functions be resolved when compiling the top level component?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1283
Reputation: 4461
You can do this. When you define the generic function, you can tell it to use the default visible function by using <>
generic (
type t;
function increment(x : t) return t is <>
Then when you assign type t, if you do not explicity assign the increment function, it will take the function that matches the signature.
I have done this to define a generic "match_x" function where any X value in an expected result match against anything in the actual result:
function match_X_generic generic ( type data_t;
function to_string(d : data_t) return string is <>
parameter( act, exp : data_t )
return boolean;
function match_x is new match_X_generic generic map (std_logic_vector);
function match_x is new match_X_generic generic map (unsigned );
function match_x is new match_X_generic generic map (signed );
Here, the to_string functions automatically come from the std_logic_1164 or numeric_std packages. I can provide hex versions, by connecting to to_hstring instead:
function match_x_hex is new match_X_generic generic map (std_logic_vector, to_hstring);
function match_x_hex is new match_X_generic generic map (unsigned , to_hstring);
function match_x_hex is new match_X_generic generic map (signed , to_hstring);
So now, as long as a to_string function is defined and visible I can create this function for any custom type:
function match_x is new match_X_generic generic map ( data_t => axis_trans_t );
Upvotes: 3