Reputation: 11
Booth algorithm is a multiplication operation that multiplies two numbers in two complement notation
The Booth multiplier has been widely used for high performance signed multiplication by encoding and thereby reducing the number of partial products
May I know how to modify my Verilog coding as below because get the error message:
Port size (12 or 12) does not match connection size (6)
module alu(out, in1, in2);
input [5:0] in1;
input [5:0] in2;
output [11:0] out;
assign out = in1 + in2;
module booth(out, in1, in2, clk, start);
parameter width = 6;
input clk, start;
input [5:0] in1; //multiplicand
input [5:0] in2; //multiplier
output [11:0] out; //product
reg [5:0] A, Q, M;
reg Q_1;
reg count;
wire[5:0] sum, difference;
always @(posedge clk)
if (start) begin
A <= 6'b0;
M <= in1;
Q <= in2;
Q_1 <= 1'b0;
count <= 2'b0;
else begin
case ({Q[0], Q_1})
2'b0_1: {A, Q, Q_1} <= {sum[5], sum, Q};
2'b1_0: {A, Q, Q_1} <= {difference[5], difference, Q};
default: {A, Q, Q_1} <= {A[5], A, Q};
count <= count + 1'b1;
alu adder (sum, A, M);
alu subtracter (difference, A, ~M);
assign out = {A, Q};
`timescale 1ns / 10ps
`define CYCLE 30
module booth_tb;
parameter width = 6;
wire [2*width-1:0] out;
reg [width-1:0] in1;
reg [width-1:0] in2;
reg clk, start;
integer num = 1;
integer i;
integer j;
integer ans;
integer err = 0;
booth booth(.out(out), .in1(in1), .in2(in2), .clk, .start);
initial begin
for(i = (-(1<<width-1)+1); i < (1<<width-1); i = i+1) begin
for(j = (-(1<<width-1)); j < (1<<width-1); j = j+1) begin
in1 = i[width-1:0];
in2 = j[width-1:0];
ans = i * j;
if(out == ans[2*width-1:0])
$display("%d data is correct", num);
else begin
$display("%d data is error %b, correct is %b", num, out, ans[2*width-1:0]);
err = err + 1;
num = num + 1;
if(err == 0) begin
$display("All data have been generated successfully!");
end else begin
$display("There are %d errors!", err);
#10 $finish;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 812
Reputation: 62236
If that was your exact error message, then it was not very specific. You can try your code on other simulators if you sign up for a free account on edaplayground. You might get more specific messages.
When I compile your code with VCS, I get a more helpful message:
Warning-[PCWM-W] Port connection width mismatch
"alu adder(sum, A, M);"
The following 6-bit expression is connected to 12-bit port "out" of module
"alu", instance "adder".
Expression: sum
This clearly shows your connection mistake. You should only connect signals of the same width together. For example, you could change:
wire[5:0] sum, difference;
wire[11:0] sum, difference;
That gets rid of the compile warnings for me, but you need to decide what the proper width should be for these signals.
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