Reputation: 1173
in VHDL, I can easily do this:
constant cmdbytes : bytearray(0 to Total) := (x"05", x"00", x...};
I want synthesizable constants so that when the FPGA starts, this array has the data I supplied. These registers are wired to VCC or ground to represent 1 or 0. I can then use them to generate a waveform. Also I would like to have 2D byte array which is 3D in verilog world.
Upvotes: 9
Views: 44030
Reputation: 2124
An alternative to the case
statement approach is to use a function
to access values.
Example for an "array" of size 4 containing 8 bit constants:
function [7:0] cmdbytes;
input [1:0] index;
reg [7:0] t[0:3];
} = {
8'h05, 8'h00, 8'h5b, 8'h45
cmdbytes = t[index];
One can access the constants like so:
wire [7:0] value0;
wire [7:0] value1;
wire [7:0] value2;
wire [7:0] value3;
assign value0 = cmdbytes(2'd0);
assign value1 = cmdbytes(2'd1);
assign value2 = cmdbytes(2'd2);
assign value3 = cmdbytes(2'd3);
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Reputation: 9
module test (
input [7:0] p1_sa, // i
input [7:0] p1_sb, // i
output [7:0] p3, // o
output [7:0] p3b // o
logic [7:0] array2d [7:0] = {99,124,119,123,242,107,111,197};
assign p3 = array2d[p1_sa];
assign p3b = array2d[p1_sb];
I tried the above system verilog code and it is working fine in modelsim and Vivado.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6644
If you're just using the array to pull out one value at a time, how about using a case
statement? Granted, it's a long-winded way of doing it, but you could always write a script to write the RTL for you.
reg [7:0] value;
reg [7:0] i;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
i <= 8'd0;
i <= i + 1;
always @(*) begin
8'h00: value = 8'd0;
8'h01: value = 8'd34;
Another way is to use an initial
statement. As far as I'm aware, FPGA synthesis tools will allow you to set initial values for arrays in the following manner. Again, a script to write this may be the way to go.
reg [0:35][7:0] my_array;
initial begin
my_array[0] = 8'd45;
my_array[1] = 8'd26;
And if your FGPA synthesis tools support some SystemVerilog, you'll be able to initialise the array like so:
reg [0:34][7:0] my_array = '{ 8'd90, 8'd34, ... }; // note the '{
Upvotes: 12
Verilog 2005 doesn't allow array initialization. Though your FPGA vendor should have a means to generate a ROM.
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