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7 Segment Display with VHDL

I am currently working with vhdl and am having trouble with a 7 Segment display. I found this code online and am having trouble understand what it exactly means. Could some help me understand what is going on with the following code:

ARCHITECTURE Structure OF multi IS
 LEDR <= SW;
 C(2 DOWNTO 0) <= SW(2 DOWNTO 0);

 HEX0(0) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND C(0)) OR 
 (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND C(0)) ); 
 HEX0(1) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND NOT(C(0))) OR
 (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND C(0)) ); 
 HEX0(2) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND NOT(C(0))) OR 
 (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND C(0)) ); 
 HEX0(3) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND C(0)) OR 
 (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND NOT(C(0))) OR
 (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND C(0)) ); 
 HEX0(4) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND NOT(C(0))) OR 
 (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND C(0)) OR 
 (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND NOT(C(0))) OR (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND C(0)) );
 HEX0(5) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND NOT(C(0))) OR 
 (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND C(0)) OR
 (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND NOT(C(0))) OR (NOT(C(2)) AND C(1) AND C(0)) ); 
 HEX0(6) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND NOT(C(0))) OR
 (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND C(0)) );
END Structure;

I do not understand the logic in all the NOT and OR statements.

Thanks a lot!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1083

Answers (1)



This is what happens when code escapes online from an Obfuscated VHDL contest.

Or perhaps being more charitable, someone junior was handed an early 1970s schematic for an octal-to-7-segment decoder chip (or circuit board!), and asked to rewrite it in VHDL because the original components are no longer available. He/she has written it out in classic "sum of products" form and not attempted to minimise it...

I believe the best thing you can do is to write out the whole thing as a lookup table, bit by bit, and not worry about the details of the logic.

Start with each expression...

 HEX0(6) <= NOT( (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND NOT(C(0))) OR
 (NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)) AND C(0)) );

And minimise it

 HEX0(6) <= NOT((NOT(C(2)) AND NOT(C(1)));

And write it out for each value

C  C2  C1  C0  H6  H5  H4  H3  H2  H1  H0   HEX0
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   1   0001001 = 09
1   0   0   1   0
2   0   1   0   1
3   0   1   1   1
4   1   0   0   1
5   1   0   1   1
6   1   1   0   1
7   1   1   1   1

(Not complete and not guaranteed correct either...)

Then rewrite the thing along these lines:

subtype Seven_Seg is std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

constant Lookup : array(0 to 7) of Seven_Seg := ( 0 => "0001001",
                                                  1 => ...
                                                  7 => ... );

Hex0 <= Lookup(to_integer(unsigned(C)));

and be done with it.

Upvotes: 5

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