Reputation: 33

VHDL Synthesize Block Ram with Multiple Outputs

if rising_edge(CLK_100Mhz) then
  if w_ram = '1' then
    for X in 0 to 6 loop
        for Y in 0 to 6 loop
            DataO(X)(Y)(0) <= Memory(X)(Y)(Address);
            DataO(X)(Y)(1) <= Memory(X)(Y)(Address+1);
            DataO(X)(Y)(2) <= Memory(X)(Y)(Address+2);
            DataO(X)(Y)(3) <= Memory(X)(Y)(Address+3);
            Memory(X)(Y)(Address) <= DataI(X)(Y)(0);
        end loop;
    end loop;
  w_ram <= '0';
end if;
end if;

I need to use block ram for my data intensive project. Would this work as a 1 input, 4 output block for every given X,Y or would this create 4 blocks for every given X,Y? Also would this even work? I'm using a Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA.


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Views: 2715

Answers (1)

David K
David K

Reputation: 124

I'm guessing you want the Xilinx synthesis tool to infer multiple asymmetric block RAMs. Xilinx has sample code to infer one RAM, which can be found at

The write port is 8 bits wide and 256 deep and the read port is 32 bits wide and 64 deep. Here's the code from the above link:

-- Asymmetric port RAM
-- Port A is 256x8-bit write-only
-- Port B is 64x32-bit read-only
-- Download:
-- File: HDL_Coding_Techniques/rams/asymmetric_ram_1a.vhd
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

entity asymmetric_ram_1a is
generic (
    WIDTHA      : integer := 8;
    SIZEA       : integer := 256;
    ADDRWIDTHA  : integer := 8;
    WIDTHB      : integer := 32;
    SIZEB       : integer := 64;
    ADDRWIDTHB  : integer := 6
port (
    clkA    : in    std_logic;
    clkB    : in    std_logic;
    weA     : in    std_logic;
    enA     : in    std_logic;
    enB     : in    std_logic;
    addrA   : in    std_logic_vector(ADDRWIDTHA-1 downto 0);
    addrB   : in    std_logic_vector(ADDRWIDTHB-1 downto 0);
    diA     : in    std_logic_vector(WIDTHA-1 downto 0);
    doB     :   out std_logic_vector(WIDTHB-1 downto 0)
end asymmetric_ram_1a;

architecture behavioral of asymmetric_ram_1a is

function max(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
    if L > R then
        return L;
        return R;
    end if;

function min(L, R: INTEGER) return INTEGER is
    if L < R then
        return L;
        return R;
    end if;

constant minWIDTH : integer := min(WIDTHA,WIDTHB);
constant maxWIDTH : integer := max(WIDTHA,WIDTHB);
constant maxSIZE  : integer := max(SIZEA,SIZEB);
constant RATIO    : integer := maxWIDTH / minWIDTH;

type ramType is array (0 to maxSIZE-1) of std_logic_vector(minWIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal ram : ramType := (others => (others => '0'));
signal readB : std_logic_vector(WIDTHB-1 downto 0):= (others => '0');
signal regB : std_logic_vector(WIDTHB-1 downto 0):= (others => '0');

process (clkA)
    if rising_edge(clkA) then
        if enA = '1' then
            if weA = '1' then
                ram(conv_integer(addrA)) <= diA;
            end if;
        end if;
    end if;
end process;

process (clkB)
    if rising_edge(clkB) then
        if enB = '1' then
            readB(minWIDTH-1 downto 0)
            <= ram(conv_integer(addrB&conv_std_logic_vector(0,2)));
            readB(2*minWIDTH-1 downto minWIDTH)
            <= ram(conv_integer(addrB&conv_std_logic_vector(1,2)));
            readB(3*minWIDTH-1 downto 2*minWIDTH)
            <= ram(conv_integer(addrB&conv_std_logic_vector(2,2)));
            readB(4*minWIDTH-1 downto 3*minWIDTH)
            <= ram(conv_integer(addrB&conv_std_logic_vector(3,2)));
        end if;
    regB <= readB;
    end if;
end process;

doB <= regB;

end behavioral;

Here's an excerpt the synthesis report confirming that XST infers an asymmetric memory.

Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <asymmetric_ram_1a>.
INFO:Xst:3226 - The RAM <Mram_ram> will be implemented as a BLOCK RAM, absorbing the following register(s): <readB> <regB>
    | ram_type           | Block                               |          |
    | Port A                                                              |
    |     aspect ratio   | 256-word x 8-bit                    |          |
    |     mode           | write-first                         |          |
    |     clkA           | connected to signal <clkA>          | rise     |
    |     weA            | connected to signal <weA_0>         | high     |
    |     addrA          | connected to signal <addrA>         |          |
    |     diA            | connected to signal <diA>           |          |
    | optimization       | speed                               |          |
    | Port B                                                              |
    |     aspect ratio   | 64-word x 32-bit                    |          |
    |     mode           | write-first                         |          |
    |     clkB           | connected to signal <clkB>          | rise     |
    |     enB            | connected to signal <enB>           | high     |
    |     addrB          | connected to signal <addrB>         |          |
    |     doB            | connected to signal <doB>           |          |
    | optimization       | speed                               |          |
Unit <asymmetric_ram_1a> synthesized (advanced).

Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# RAMs                                                 : 1
 256x8:64x32-bit dual-port block RAM                   : 1

Note, port B is read-only despite what the synthesis report says.

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