Reputation: 19
Is it possible to implement a mux with multiple control signals? For example, I want to do something like this:
with (sig1 & sig2) select
output <= A when "00",
B when "01",
C when "10",
D when "11",
'0' when others;
I know I could just assign them to a new signal and use that, but that's something I want to avoid if possible.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4350
Reputation: 16832
You need to enable VHDL2008 mode on your compiler to have it work.
An alternative (also 2008):
muxing: process (sig1, sig2) is
begin -- process muxing
case sig1 & sig2 is
when "00" => output <= '1';
when "01" => output <= '0';
when "10" => output <= '0';
when "11" => output <= '1';
when others => output <= '0';
end case;
end process muxing;
If you have no VHDL-2008 mode on your compiler it will fail with complaints of
Array type case expression must be of a locally static subtype.
or similar.
If your compiler can't be made to be VHDL-2008 compliant, you have to work around this by creating a type that you can use to surround the sig1 & sig2
to explicitly tell the compiler what's going on:
subtype twobits is bit_vector(0 to 1);
with twobits'(sig1 & sig2) select
output <= '1' when "00",
-- etc.
case twobits'(sig1 & sig2) is
when "00" => -- etc.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 25058
See this, maybe it helps you
entity MUX is
port ( a, i0, i1 : in bit;
o : out bit );
end MUX;
architecture behave of MUX is
process ( a, i0, i1 ) begin
if a = '1' then
o <= i1;
o <= i0;
end if;
end process;
end behave;
Upvotes: 1