Reputation: 9
I am trying to instantiate a VHDL component in a Verilog design as a part of testing a divide function in another complex design. Getting syntax error:
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at deldel.v(29) near text: "["; expecting ")".......
My VHDL file:
library IEEE;
entity divide_test is
odabir : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
rezultat : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0)
end divide_test;
architecture behavioral of divide_test is
constant deljenik0 : unsigned(23 downto 0) := x"000999"; --2457
constant deljenik1 : unsigned(23 downto 0) := x"000FA7"; --4007
constant deljenik2 : unsigned(23 downto 0) := x"000288"; --648
constant delilac : unsigned(23 downto 0) := x"000015"; --21
signal rez_temp : unsigned(23 downto 0);
signal od_temp : integer range 0 to 3;
od_temp <= to_integer(unsigned(odabir));
rezultat <= std_logic_vector(rez_temp(9 downto 0));
deljenje: process(od_temp)
case od_temp is
when 0 => rez_temp <= x"000000";
when 1 => rez_temp <= deljenik0/delilac; --150
when 2 => rez_temp <= deljenik1/delilac; --200
when 3 => rez_temp <= deljenik2/delilac; --32
end case;
end process;
end behavioral;
My Verilog file:
// This code is generated by Terasic System Builder
module deldel(
//////////// LED //////////
output [9:0] LEDR,
//////////// SW //////////
input [9:0] SW
// REG/WIRE declarations
// Structural coding
divide_test u0(
.odabir[1] (SW[0]),
.odabir[0] (SW[1]),
.rezultat[0] (LEDR[0]),
.rezultat[1] (LEDR[1]),
.rezultat[2] (LEDR[2]),
.rezultat[3] (LEDR[3]),
.rezultat[4] (LEDR[4]),
.rezultat[5] (LEDR[5]),
.rezultat[6] (LEDR[6]),
.rezultat[7] (LEDR[7]),
Verilog file is generic, created from "DE1SoC_SystemBuilder". I am trying to connect SW0 and SW1 from DE1Soc board to select one from three operation and show the result with eight LEDs on DE1Soc board!
What am I missing?
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Views: 306
Reputation: 62163
The error message indicates that you should not use square brackets for the instance port names (odabir
and rezultat
) in the Verilog module. You should not split out the bits of the signals in the instance port names. Refer to the IEEE Std 1800-2017, section Connecting module instance ports by name, which states:
The port_name shall be the name specified in the module declaration. The port name cannot be a bit-select, a part-select, or a concatenation of ports.
You could use square brackets for the connecting signals (SW
and LEDR
). However, since the signals are all 10 bits wide, it is simpler to just use the signal name:
divide_test u0 (
.odabir (SW),
.rezultat (LEDR)
Note that you can use a range specifier for the connecting signals (SW
, for example):
divide_test u0 (
.odabir (SW[9:0]),
.rezultat (LEDR[9:0])
You can have any valid expression for the connecting signals (inside the parentheses).
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9
I find an answer! Originaly my ports:
odabir : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0)
rezultat : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0)
was two and eight bits wide, respectively:
odabir : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
rezultat : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
I change that in process to figure it out error code; trying to match lenght with De1Soc board ports SW and LEDR. The solution code will be:
divide_test u0(
.odabir ({SW[1], SW[0]}),
.rezultat ({LEDR[7], LEDR[6], LEDR[5], LEDR[4], LEDR[3], LEDR[2], LEDR[1], LEDR[0]})
Still I didnt find out why I cant split bits of ports od divide_test module that is being instantiate!?
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