Massiel Angulo
Massiel Angulo

Reputation: 9

Inferring latch warning

I'm making this code, but I don't know how to deal with this warning. The warnings are on the process site. In this specifically

process (boton) begin
    if (boton= '1') Then 
    ienable <= '1';
    brojo     <= '0';
    bamarillo <= '0';
    bverde    <= '1';

END process;

enter image description here

--  University:   Universidad Tecnica Nacional(UTN)
--  Course:       Aplicaciones de FPGA
--  Developed by: Massiel Angulo Mejia
--  Module name:  Semaforo_Top
--  Date:         08/11/2022
--  File name:    Semaforo_Top.vhd

library IEEE;

entity Semaforo is port (
   CLK_100MHz, boton     :in std_logic;   -- Define las entradas de 1 bit
   R, A, V       :out std_logic);         -- Define la salida de 1 bit

end Semaforo;

architecture Behavioral of Semaforo is
 signal rojo, amarillo, verde, puente, aca :std_logic := '0'; 
 signal brojo, bamarillo, bverde :std_logic := '0'; 
 signal q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, enable, ienable  :std_logic := '0'; 
 signal r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10 :std_logic := '0';
 signal a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, btn :std_logic := '0';
 signal v1, v2, v3, vr, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15 :std_logic := '0';
 component Contador5bits port (
    CLK_100MHz   :in STD_LOGIC;  -- Define la entrada de 1 bit
       reset      :in STD_LOGIC;  -- Define la entrada de 1 bit
       pausa      :in STD_LOGIC;  -- Define la entrada de 1 bit
       en         :in STD_LOGIC;  -- Define la entrada de 1 bit
       acarreo    :out STD_LOGIC;  -- Define la salida de 1 bit
       salida     :out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0) :=(others => '0') -- Define la salida de 5 bits
 end component;
    component FrequencyDivider
         M :integer; -- Factor parametrizable en la instanciacion
         N :integer); -- Factor parametrizable en la instanciacion
         clk_in :in  STD_LOGIC;  -- Define las entradas de 1 bit
         clk_out :out STD_LOGIC); -- Define la salida de 1 bit
   end component; -- Termina la definicion del componente

   process (boton) begin
    if (boton = '1') Then 
    ienable <= '1';
    brojo     <= '0';
    bamarillo <= '0';
    bverde    <= '1';

END process;

   --Inicio del decodificador para led verde
   v1    <=      not(q4)  and   not(q3)  and   not(q2)  and   not(q1)  and    q0;
   v2    <=      not(q4)  and   not(q3)  and   not(q2)  and   q1       and    not(q0);
   v3    <=      not(q4)  and   not(q3)  and   not(q2)  and   q1       and    q0;
   --Inicio del decodificador para led amarillo
   a1    <=    not(q4)  and   q3         and    not(q2)  and   q1       and   q0;
   a2    <=    not(q4)  and   q3         and    q2       and   not(q1)  and   not(q0);
   a3    <=    not(q4)  and   q3         and    q2       and   not(q1)  and   q0;
   a4    <=    not(q4)  and   q3         and    q2       and   q1       and   not(q0);
   a5    <=    not(q4)  and   q3         and    q2       and   q1       and   q0;
   --Inicio del decodificadotr para led rojo
   r1    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    not(q2)  and   not(q1)  and   not(q0);      
   r2    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    not(q2)  and   not(q1)  and   q0;      
   r3    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    not(q2)  and   q1       and   not(q0);      
   r4    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    not(q2)  and   q1       and   q0;      
   r5    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    q2       and   not(q1)  and   not(q0);      
   r6    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    q2       and   not(q1)  and   q0;      
   r7    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    q2       and   q1       and   not(q0);      
   r8    <=    q4  and   not(q3)         and    q2       and   q1       and   q0;      
   r9    <=    q4  and   q3      and    not(q2)  and   not(q1)  and   not(q0);      
   r10   <=    q4  and   q3      and    not(q2)  and   not(q1)  and   q0;   
   ---Reinicio en verde 
   vr    <=   q4   and  not(q3)  and    not(q2)  and    q1  and   q0; 
      --Inicio de instancia de las salidas
   rojo      <= r1 or r2 or r3 or r4 or r5 or r6 or r7 or r8 or r9 or r10;
   amarillo  <= a1 or a2 or a3 or a4 or a5;
   verde     <= v1 or v2 or v3;   
   enable <= ienable;
   --Instancia de las salidas
   R <= rojo and brojo;
   A <= amarillo and bamarillo;
   V <= verde or bverde;
    --Instancia del contador de 5 bits que cuenta 18s
   Cnt5bits :Contador5bits port map(
    CLK_100MHz   => puente,
    reset        => '0', 
    pausa        =>  '0',
    en           =>  enable,
    acarreo      =>  aca,  
    salida (0) => q0,
    salida (1) => q1,
    salida (2) => q2,
    salida (3) => q3,
    salida (4) => q4 
     -- Se realiza la instancia del componente
 divisor_1Hz :FrequencyDivider generic map(M => 100_000_000, N => 27) port map( -- Paso de parametros (M,N) en la instancia
      clk_in => CLK_100MHz,
      clk_out => puente
   ); -- Final de la instancia

end Behavioral;```

The thing in that part is that when you press boton enable is 1 and when boton is 0 brojo, bamarillo are 0 and bverde is 1.

Help me editing the process block to delete that warnings.

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Views: 230

Answers (1)

Matthias Schweikart
Matthias Schweikart

Reputation: 697

When you synthesize a HDL code and you do not provide a sender to a signal at all time, you will always get a latch and a latch warning. In your case you do not provide a sender to brojo, bamarillo, bverde for the case when boton=1 and no sender to ienable for the case when boton=0. But in hardware there must exist a sender at any time, this is why a latch is inserted and provides the last assigned value to the undriven signal. In almost all cases latches inferred in this way are not wanted and bad design which will probably cause trouble later on in the design flow.

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