
Reputation: 491

How to use an entity inside an architecture in VHDL

My purpose is to impement a Keyboard entity which uses Button entites.

So I wrote the following VHDL code:

library IEEE;
entity Keyboard is
    port ( ck, stop :       in STD_LOGIC;
             data_in :  in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0);
             data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
end Keyboard;

entity Button is
    port ( clk :         in STD_LOGIC ;
             signal_in : in STD_LOGIC;
          output :   out STD_LOGIC);
end Button;

architecture test of Keyboard is
    signal NUM : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0) := (others=>'0');

    component Button is
    port ( clk :         in STD_LOGIC ;
             signal_in : in STD_LOGIC;
          output :   out STD_LOGIC);
    end component;


    num_0 : entity Button port map(ck,data_in(0),NUM(0));
    num_1 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(1)=>signal_in,NUM(1)=>output);
    num_2 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(2)=>signal_in,NUM(2)=>output);
    num_3 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(3)=>signal_in,NUM(3)=>output);
    num_4 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(4)=>signal_in,NUM(4)=>output);
    num_5 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(5)=>signal_in,NUM(5)=>output);
    num_6 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(6)=>signal_in,NUM(6)=>output);
    num_7 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(7)=>signal_in,NUM(7)=>output);
    num_8 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(8)=>signal_in,NUM(8)=>output);
    num_9 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(9)=>signal_in,NUM(9)=>output);
    num_on : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(10)=>signal_in,NUM(10)=>output);
    num_off : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(11)=>signal_in,NUM(11)=>output);

    output <= "0000" when NUM = "000000000001" else --0
                 "0001" when NUM = "000000000010" else --1
                 "0010" when NUM = "000000000100" else --2
                 "0011" when NUM = "000000001000" else --3
                 "0100" when NUM = "000000010000" else --4
                 "0101" when NUM = "000000100000" else --5
                 "0110" when NUM = "000001000000" else --6
                 "0111" when NUM = "000010000000" else --7
                 "1000" when NUM = "000100000000" else --8
                 "1001" when NUM = "001000000000" else --9
                 "1010" when NUM = "010000000000" else --ON
                 "1100" when NUM = "100000000000" else --OFF

end test;

architecture EdgeDetector of Button is
    signal signal_d:STD_LOGIC;

        if clk= '1' and clk'event then
      end if;
    end process;

     output<= (not signal_d) and signal_in; 
end EdgeDetector;

By starting the compilation on QuartusII I face the following error:

Error (10482): VHDL error at PitAlarm.vhd(11): object "STD_LOGIC" is used but not declared

But I can't understand what it means with "not declared" ???

Upvotes: 1

Views: 3608

Answers (1)



Using "direct entity instantiation" you are explicitly binding an entity out of a specific library instead of using "configurations" or some default strategy to find a matching one. So, num_0 : entity Work.Button port map(...); - note the explicit library name (here, Work).

The specific error you find

std_logic not declared

comes from the visibility rules for library clauses.

Button's own entity/arch will normally be in a separate file, separately compiled before compiling the top level.

It would then have its own library/use clauses for the library where std_logic is declared.

library IEEE;

With more than one entity in the same file, this clause only applies to the following entity declaration (and makes it visible o the corresponding architectures).

So you need to repeat these two lines before each entity declaration in the file.

Upvotes: 1

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