Reputation: 15
I am trying to create a parametrized circuit for the multiplication stage of a BCD Wallace Tree Multiplier, which I implemented in Orcad. The trouble I'm having is that I need to calculate the bit positions that each two digits that result from BCD multiplication will inhabit. Here is my code:
module bcd_mult_1_n #(parameter N = 8)
(input [N * 4 - 1:0] num1, num2, output reg [2 * 4 * N * N - 1:0] partProds);
genvar i, j;
for(i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1) begin : dig1
for(j = 0; j < N; j = j + 1) begin : dig2
localparam lsd = posLSD(i, j);
localparam msd = posMSD(i, j);
bcd_mult_1 bcd_mult(num1[i * 4 + 3:i * 4], num2[j * 4 + 3:j * 4],
partProds[msd * 4 + 3:msd * 4], partProds[lsd * 4 + 3: lsd * 4]);
In the above code, numPrev(i + j) needs to return a value calculated something like this
int numPrev(int x) {
int acc = 0;
for(int i = x; i > 0; i++) acc = acc + 2 * i;
return acc;
Thanks to help from @Morgan I have created the following function; the logic is meant to count up and down a sort of triangle of values which rise from 1 to N and back down to 1.
function integer posLSD;
input integer x, y;
integer weight;
integer acc;
integer num;
integer i;
weight = x + y;
acc = 0;
if(weight >= N) num = N - 1;
else num = weight;
for(i = num; i > 0; i = i - 1)
acc = acc + 2 * i;
if(weight >= N) begin
for(i = 2 * N - weight; i <= N; i = i + 1) begin
acc = acc + 2 * i;
acc = acc + N - weight + y - 1;
acc = acc + y;
posLSD = acc;
function integer posMSD;
input integer x, y;
integer acc;
integer weight;
acc = posLSD(x, y);
weight = x + y;
if(weight < N) acc = acc + weight + 1;
else acc = acc + 2 * N - weight - 1;
posMSD = acc;
How could I achieve this functionality? If needed, I could use SystemVerilog constructs.
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Views: 2384
Reputation: 20554
When I change to use a function I get the error Packed dimension must specify a range.
I think you need to think about your partProds width and connections.
Using a function:
module bcd_mult_1_n #(
parameter N = 8
) (
input [N * 4 - 1:0] num1,
input [N * 4 - 1:0] num2,
output reg [2 * 4 * N * N] partProds
integer prev = 1;
genvar i, j;
for(i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1) begin : dig1
for(j = 0; j < N; j = j + 1) begin : dig2
num1[i * 4 + 3:i * 4],
num2[j * 4 + 3:j * 4],
partProds[numPrev(i+j) + 2*j + i + 1],
partProds[numPrev(i+j) + j]
function numPrev;
input integer x ;
integer acc;
acc = 0;
for(int ij = x; ij > 0; ij++) begin
acc = acc + 2 * ij;
numPrev = acc;
module bcd_mult_1(
input [3:0]a,
input [3:0]b,
input c,
input d
Example on EDA Playground.
Upvotes: 1